Nicolas Dupin
Cited by
Cited by
Matheuristics to optimize refueling and maintenance planning of nuclear power plants
N Dupin, EG Talbi
Journal of Heuristics 27 (1), 63-105, 2021
Parallel matheuristics for the discrete unit commitment problem with min-stop ramping constraints
N Dupin, EG Talbi
International Transactions in Operational Research 27 (1), 219-244, 2020
Modélisation et résolution de grands problemes stochastiques combinatoires: application à la gestion de production d’électricité
N Dupin
Ph. D. thesis, Lille 1, 2015
A novel solution approach with ML-based pseudo-cuts for the Flight and Maintenance Planning problem
F Peschiera, R Dell, J Royset, A Haït, N Dupin, O Battaïa
OR Spectrum, 635-664, 2021
A deterministic annealing local search for the electric autonomous dial-a-ride problem
Y Su, N Dupin, J Puchinger
European Journal of Operational Research 309 (3), 1091-1111, 2023
Machine learning-guided dual heuristics and new lower bounds for the refueling and maintenance planning problem of nuclear power plants
N Dupin, EG Talbi
Algorithms 13 (8), 185, 2020
Matheuristics and column generation for a basic technician routing problem
N Dupin, R Parize, EG Talbi
Algorithms 14 (11), 313, 2021
MBSE, PLM, MIP and robust optimization for system of systems management, application to SCCOA French air defense program
T Peugeot, N Dupin, MJ Sembely, C Dubecq
Complex Systems Design & Management: Proceedings of the Seventh …, 2017
Tighter MIP formulations for the discretised unit commitment problem with min-stop ramping constraints
N Dupin
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 5 (1), 149-176, 2017
Unified Polynomial Dynamic Programming Algorithms for P-Center Variants in a 2D Pareto Front
N Dupin, F Nielsen, EG Talbi
Mathematics 9 (4), 453, 2021
k-medoids clustering is solvable in polynomial time for a 2d Pareto front
N Dupin, F Nielsen, EG Talbi
World Congress on Global Optimization, 790-799, 2019
Long term planning of military aircraft flight and maintenance operations
F Peschiera, O Battaïa, A Haït, N Dupin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.09856, 2020
k-medoids and p-median clustering are solvable in polynomial time for a 2d Pareto front
N Dupin, F Nielsen, EG Talbi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.02098, 2018
Clustering a 2d Pareto Front: P-center problems are solvable in polynomial time
N Dupin, F Nielsen, EG Talbi
International Conference on Optimization and Learning, 179-191, 2020
Dynamic Programming heuristic for k-means Clustering among a 2-dimensional Pareto Frontier
N Dupin, F Nielsen, E Talbi
7th International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing …, 2018
Matheuristics for the discrete unit commitment problem with min-stop ramping constraints
N Dupin, EG Talbi
Matheuristics 2016, 72-83, 2016
Polynomial algorithms for p-dispersion problems in a planar Pareto Front
N Dupin
RAIRO-Oper. Res 57, 857–880, 2023
Comparing local search initialization for k-means and k-medoids clustering in a planar Pareto Front, a computational study
J Huang, Z Chen, N Dupin
Optimization and Learning: 4th International Conference, OLA 2021, Catania …, 2021
Column generation for the discrete UC problem with min-stop ramping constraints
N Dupin
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (13), 529-534, 2019
A column generation approach for the electric autonomous dial-a-ride problem
Y Su, N Dupin, SN Parragh, J Puchinger
24ème Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et …, 2023
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Articles 1–20