Pietro Michiardi
Cited by
Cited by
Core: a collaborative reputation mechanism to enforce node cooperation in mobile ad hoc networks
P Michiardi, R Molva
Advanced Communications and Multimedia Security: IFIP TC6/TC11 Sixth Joint …, 2002
USAD: Unsupervised anomaly detection on multivariate time series
J Audibert, P Michiardi, F Guyard, S Marti, MA Zuluaga
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2020
A comparative evaluation of outlier detection algorithms: Experiments and analyses
R Domingues, M Filippone, P Michiardi, J Zouaoui
Pattern recognition 74, 406-421, 2018
Rarest first and choke algorithms are enough
A Legout, G Urvoy-Keller, P Michiardi
Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 203-216, 2006
Password strength: An empirical analysis
M Dell'Amico, P Michiardi, Y Roudier
2010 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1-9, 2010
Simulation-based analysis of security exposures in mobile ad hoc networks
P Michiardi, R Molva
European Wireless Conference, 15-17, 2002
Random feature expansions for deep Gaussian processes
K Cutajar, EV Bonilla, P Michiardi, M Filippone
International Conference on Machine Learning, 884-893, 2017
A game theoretical approach to evaluate cooperation enforcement mechanisms in mobile ad hoc networks
P Michiardi, R Molva
WiOpt'03: Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks …, 2003
Understanding bittorrent: An experimental perspective
A Legout, G Urvoy-Keller, P Michiardi
Non-cooperative forwarding in ad-hoc networks
E Altman, AA Kherani, P Michiardi, R Molva
NETWORKING 2005. Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols …, 2005
Ad hoc networks security
P Michiardi, R Molva
Mobile ad hoc networking, 329-354, 2004
Game theoretic analysis of security in mobile ad hoc networks
P Michiardi, R Molva
Institut Eurecom, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 2002
Dirichlet-based gaussian processes for large-scale calibrated classification
D Milios, R Camoriano, P Michiardi, L Rosasco, M Filippone
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, 2018
Analysis of coalition formation and cooperation strategies in mobile ad hoc networks
P Michiardi, R Molva
Ad Hoc Networks 3 (2), 193-219, 2005
NG-DBSCAN: scalable density-based clustering for arbitrary data
A Lulli, M Dell'Amico, P Michiardi, L Ricci
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 10 (3), 157-168, 2016
Prevention of Denial of Service attacks and Selfishness in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
PMR Molva
Research Report, 2002
A measurement study of the Wuala on-line storage service
T Mager, E Biersack, P Michiardi
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P), 237-248, 2012
Characterizing user mobility in Second Life
CA La, P Michiardi
Proceedings of the first workshop on Online social networks, 79-84, 2008
Do deep neural networks contribute to multivariate time series anomaly detection?
J Audibert, P Michiardi, F Guyard, S Marti, MA Zuluaga
Pattern Recognition 132, 108945, 2022
Security in ad hoc networks
R Molva, P Michiardi
IFIP International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications, 756-775, 2003
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Articles 1–20