René Jr Landry
Cited by
Cited by
Multi-constellation software-defined receiver for Doppler positioning with LEO satellites
F Farhangian, R Landry Jr
Sensors 20 (20), 5866, 2020
Analysis of potential interference sources and assessment of present solutions for GPS/GNSS receivers
R Landry Jr, A Renard
Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the Problems of …, 1997
Fuzzy corrections in a GPS/INS hybrid navigation system
A Hiliuta, R Landry, F Gagnon
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 40 (2), 591-600, 2004
Alternative PNT based on Iridium Next LEO satellites Doppler/INS integrated navigation system
H Benzerrouk, Q Nguyen, F Xiaoxing, A Amrhar, AV Nebylov, R Landry
2019 26th Saint Petersburg international conference on integrated navigation …, 2019
A novel optimal configuration form redundant MEMS inertial sensors based on the orthogonal rotation method
J Cheng, J Dong, RJ Landry, D Chen
Sensors 14 (8), 13661-13678, 2014
Acquisition of weak GNSS signals using a new block averaging pre-processing
M Sahmoudi, MG Amin, R Landry
2008 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium, 1362-1372, 2008
Assessing horizontal positional accuracy of Google Earth imagery in the city of Montreal, Canada
MA Goudarzi, RJ Landry
Geodesy and cartography 43 (2), 56-65, 2017
Low-cost MEMS sensor-based attitude determination system by integration of magnetometers and GPS: A real-data test and performance evaluation
D Li, R Landry, P Lavoie
2008 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium, 1190-1198, 2008
Multipath mitigation techniques using maximum-likelihood principle
M Sahmoudi, R Landry Jr
Inside GNSS 3 (8), 24-29, 2008
Temperature compensation model of MEMS inertial sensors based on neural network
G Araghi, RJ Landry
2018 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), 301-309, 2018
Opportunistic in-flight INS alignment using LEO satellites and a rotatory IMU platform
F Farhangian, H Benzerrouk, R Landry Jr
Aerospace 8 (10), 280, 2021
Iridium Next LEO satellites as an alternative PNT in GNSS denied environments–part 1
R Landry, A Nguyen, H Rasaee, A Amrhar, X Fang, H Benzerrouk
Inside GNSS Magazine 14 (3), 56-64, 2019
Interference mitigation in spread spectrum systems by wavelet coefficients thresholding
RJR Landry, P Mouyon, D Lekaïm
European Transactions on Telecommunications 9 (2), 191-202, 1998
LEO satellites based Doppler positioning using distributed nonlinear estimation
H Benzerrouk, Q Nguyen, F Xiaoxing, H Rasaee, RJ Landry
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (12), 496-501, 2019
Comparison of L1 and L5 bands GNSS signals acquisition
J Leclère, R Landry Jr, C Botteron
Sensors 18 (9), 2779, 2018
Improving vertical GPS precision with a GPS-over-fiber architecture and real-time relative delay calibration
D Macias-Valadez, R Santerre, S Larochelle, R Landry
GPS solutions 16, 449-462, 2012
Modification of an RBF ANN-based temperature compensation model of interferometric fiber optical gyroscopes
J Cheng, B Qi, D Chen, R Jr. Landry
Sensors 15 (5), 11189-11207, 2015
GPS/GALILEO/GLONASS Hybrid Satellite Constellation Simulator Ð GPS Constellation Validation and Analysis
A Constantinescu, R Landry
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of The Institute of Navigation (2005 …, 2005
Accuracy improvement of attitude determination systems using EKF-based error prediction filter and PI controller
F Farhangian, R Landry Jr
Sensors 20 (14), 4055, 2020
Impact of interference on a generic GPS receiver and assessment of mitigation techniques
RJ Landry, V Calmettes, M Bousquet
1998 IEEE 5th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and …, 1998
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Articles 1–20