The SMOS mission: New tool for monitoring key elements ofthe global water cycle YH Kerr, P Waldteufel, JP Wigneron, S Delwart, F Cabot, J Boutin, ... Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (5), 666-687, 2010 | 2062 | 2010 |
Soil moisture retrieval from space: The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission YH Kerr, P Waldteufel, JP Wigneron, J Martinuzzi, J Font, M Berger IEEE transactions on Geoscience and remote sensing 39 (8), 1729-1735, 2001 | 1950 | 2001 |
The SMOS soil moisture retrieval algorithm YH Kerr, P Waldteufel, P Richaume, JP Wigneron, P Ferrazzoli, ... IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 50 (5), 1384-1403, 2012 | 1087 | 2012 |
L-band Microwave Emission of the Biosphere (L-MEB) Model: Description and calibration against experimental data sets over crop fields JP Wigneron, Y Kerr, P Waldteufel, K Saleh, MJ Escorihuela, P Richaume, ... Remote Sensing of Environment 107 (4), 639-655, 2007 | 745 | 2007 |
On the Analysis of Single-Doppler Radar Data W Corbin Journal of Applied Meteorology 18 (4), 1979 | 397* | 1979 |
On the Anaysis of Single-Doppler Radar Data C Waldteufel Journal of Applied Meteorology 18 (4), 532-542, 1979 | 397 | 1979 |
Overview of SMOS performance in terms of global soil moisture monitoring after six years in operation YH Kerr, A Al-Yaari, N Rodriguez-Fernandez, M Parrens, B Molero, ... Remote Sensing of Environment 180, 40-63, 2016 | 328 | 2016 |
SMOSREX: A long term field campaign experiment for soil moisture and land surface processes remote sensing P de Rosnay, JC Calvet, Y Kerr, JP Wigneron, F Lemaître, MJ Escorihuela, ... Remote Sensing of Environment 102 (3-4), 377-389, 2006 | 208 | 2006 |
Two-dimensional microwave interferometer retrieval capabilities over land surfaces (SMOS mission) JP Wigneron, P Waldteufel, A Chanzy, JC Calvet, Y Kerr Remote Sensing of Environment 73 (3), 270-282, 2000 | 208 | 2000 |
Overview of the SMOS sea surface salinity prototype processor S Zine, J Boutin, J Font, N Reul, P Waldteufel, C Gabarró, J Tenerelli, ... IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (3), 621-645, 2008 | 181 | 2008 |
Characterizing the dependence of vegetation model parameters on crop structure, incidence angle, and polarization at L-band JP Wigneron, M Pardé, P Waldteufel, A Chanzy, Y Kerr, S Schmidl, ... IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 42 (2), 416-425, 2004 | 177 | 2004 |
SMOS first data analysis for sea surface salinity determination J Font, J Boutin, N Reul, P Spurgeon, J Ballabrera-Poy, A Chuprin, ... International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (9-10), 3654-3670, 2013 | 152 | 2013 |
Estimates of surface soil moisture under grass covers using L-band radiometry K Saleh, JP Wigneron, P Waldteufel, P de Rosnay, M Schwank, JC Calvet, ... Remote Sensing of Environment 109 (1), 42-53, 2007 | 146 | 2007 |
A new optical instrument for simultaneous measurement of raindrop diameter and fall speed distributions D Hauser, P Amayenc, B Nutten, P Waldteufel Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 1 (3), 256-269, 1984 | 145 | 1984 |
Two-year global simulation of L-band brightness temperatures over land T Pellarin, JP Wigneron, JC Calvet, M Berger, H Douville, P Ferrazzoli, ... IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 41 (9), 2135-2139, 2003 | 138 | 2003 |
Impact of rain interception by vegetation and mulch on the L-band emission of natural grass K Saleh, JP Wigneron, P De Rosnay, JC Calvet, MJ Escorihuela, Y Kerr, ... Remote Sensing of Environment 101 (1), 127-139, 2006 | 122 | 2006 |
SMOS level 2 processor soil moisture algorithm theoretical basis document (ATBD) YH Kerr, P Waldteufel, P Richaume, I Davenport, P Ferrazzoli, ... CBSA, UoR, TV and INRA, Toulouse, Tech. Rep. SO-TN-ARR-L2PP-0037 3, 2006 | 118 | 2006 |
Apodization functions for 2-D hexagonally sampled synthetic aperture imaging radiometers E Anterrieu, P Waldteufel, A Lannes IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 40 (12), 2531-2542, 2002 | 102 | 2002 |
Global soil moisture retrieval from a synthetic L‐band brightness temperature data set T Pellarin, JP Wigneron, JC Calvet, P Waldteufel Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D12), 2003 | 87 | 2003 |
Modeling sun glitter at L-band for sea surface salinity remote sensing with SMOS N Reul, J Tenerelli, B Chapron, P Waldteufel IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 45 (7), 2073-2087, 2007 | 73 | 2007 |