Pedro Ramos
Pedro Ramos
Full Professor At ISCTE
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Can we trace back hotel online reviews’ characteristics using gamification features?
S Moro, P Ramos, J Esmerado, SMJ Jalali
International Journal of Information Management 44, 88-95, 2019
Analysing recent augmented and virtual reality developments in tourism
S Moro, P Rita, P Ramos, J Esmerado
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 10 (4), 571-586, 2019
Are references really needed? unbabel-IST 2021 submission for the metrics shared task
R Rei, AC Farinha, C Zerva, D van Stigt, C Stewart, P Ramos, ...
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Machine Translation, 1030-1040, 2021
Leveraging a luxury fashion brand through social media
MT Romão, S Moro, P Rita, P Ramos
European Research on Management and Business Economics 25 (1), 15-22, 2019
Unfolding the relations between companies and technologies under the Big Data umbrella
J Canito, P Ramos, S Moro, P Rita
Computers in Industry 99, 1-8, 2018
Evaluating a guest satisfaction model through data mining
S Moro, J Esmerado, P Ramos, B Alturas
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 32 (4), 1523-1538, 2019
IST-unbabel 2021 submission for the quality estimation shared task
C Zerva, D Van Stigt, R Rei, AC Farinha, P Ramos, JGC de Souza, ...
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Machine Translation, 961-972, 2021
Desenhar Bases de Dados com UML,
P Ramos
Edições Sílabo,, 2010
Factors determining player drop-out in Massive Multiplayer Online Games
I Lebres, P Rita, S Moro, P Ramos
Entertainment computing 26, 153-162, 2018
A deontic logic for diagnosis of organisational process design
P Ramos, JL Fiadeiro
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Deontic Logic in …, 1998
Greeks and Trojans Together
L Botelho, P Ramos, N Antunes, M Ebrahim
Low overhead encodings for reduced activity in data and address buses
P Ramos, A Oliveira
IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, 21-24, 1999
The influence of cultural origins of visitors when staying in the city that never sleeps
S Moro, P Rita, P Ramos, J Esmerado
Tourism Recreation Research 47 (1), 78-90, 2022
The role of diagnosis and decision theory in normative reasoning
LWN van der Torre, P Ramos, JL Fiadeiro, YH Tan
Formal Models of Agents: ESPRIT Project ModelAge Final Workshop Selected …, 1999
From the web of bibliographic data to the web of bibliographic meaning: structuring, interlinking and validating ontologies on the semantic web
HS Patrício, MI Cordeiro, PN Ramos
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 14 (2), 124-134, 2020
Formalizing enrichment mechanisms for bibliographic ontologies in the semantic web
HS Patrício, MI Cordeiro, PN Ramos
Research Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research, 147-158, 2018
Extending UML templates towards computability
J Farinha, P Ramos
2015 3rd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software …, 2015
Desenhar Bases de Dados com UML, 2ª Edição
PN Ramos
Edições Sílabo, 2007
Extending the FIPA ACL language. From object based descriptions to relational representations
L Botelho, P Ramos
Proceedings of the 3rd Iberoamerican Workshop on Distributed AI and Multi …, 2000
Using profanity and negative sentiments: An analysis of Ultimate Fighting Championship fighters’ trash talk on fans’ social media engagement and viewership habits
D Tereso, S Moro, P Ramos, T Calapez, JM Costa, T Ratts
International Journal of Sport Communication 15 (2), 93-102, 2022
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