Jean-Pierre Guay
Jean-Pierre Guay
École de Criminologie, Université de Montréal
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A taxometric analysis of the latent structure of psychopathy: evidence for dimensionality.
JP Guay, J Ruscio, RA Knight, RD Hare
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 116 (4), 701, 2007
The Role of Psychopathy in Sexual Coercion against Women.
RA Knight, JP Guay
The Guilford Press, 2006
An assessment of long-term risk of recidivism by adult sex offenders: One size doesn’t fit all
G Parent, JP Guay, RA Knight
Criminal Justice and Behavior 38 (2), 188-209, 2011
Victim-choice polymorphia among serious sex offenders
JP Guay, J Proulx, M Cusson, M Ouimet
Archives of Sexual Behavior 30, 521-533, 2001
On intelligence and crime: A comparison of incarcerated sex offenders and serious non-sexual violent criminals
JP Guay, M Ouimet, J Proulx
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 28 (4), 405-417, 2005
Les agresseurs sexuels d’enfants: scénarios délictuels et troubles de la personnalité
J Proulx, C Perreault, M Ouimet, JP Guay
Les violences criminelles, 187-216, 1999
The analysis of nonverbal communication: The dangers of pseudoscience in security and justice contexts
V Denault, P Plusquellec, LM Jupe, M St-Yves, NE Dunbar, M Hartwig, ...
Anuario de Psicología Jurídica 30 (1), 1-12, 2020
Is a separate diagnostic category defensible for paraphilic coercion?
RA Knight, J Sims-Knight, JP Guay
Journal of Criminal Justice 41 (2), 90-99, 2013
Broken legs, clinical overrides, and recidivism risk: An analysis of decisions to adjust risk levels with the LS/CMI
JP Guay, G Parent
Criminal Justice and Behavior 45 (1), 82-100, 2018
Sadistic offender or sexual sadism? Taxometric evidence for a dimensional structure of sexual sadism
N Longpré, JP Guay, RA Knight, M Benbouriche
Archives of Sexual Behavior 47, 403-416, 2018
The role of psychopathy in sexual coercion against women: An update and expansion.
RA Knight, JP Guay
The Guilford Press, 2018
Fracture of the neck structures in suicidal hangings: a retrospective study on contributing variables
R Clément, JP Guay, A Sauvageau
Forensic science international 207 (1-3), 122-126, 2011
MTC Sadism Scale: Toward a dimensional assessment of severe sexual sadism with behavioral markers
N Longpre, JP Guay, RA Knight
Assessment 26 (1), 70-84, 2019
A taxometric investigation of psychopathy in women
JP Guay, RA Knight, J Ruscio, RD Hare
Psychiatry research 261, 565-573, 2018
Virtual faces expressing emotions: an initial concomitant and construct validity study
CC Joyal, L Jacob, MH Cigna, JP Guay, P Renaud
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 787, 2014
Agonal sequences in 14 filmed hangings with comments on the role of the type of suspension, ischemic habituation, and ethanol intoxication on the timing of agonal responses
A Sauvageau, R LaHarpe, D King, G Dowling, S Andrews, S Kelly, ...
The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 32 (2), 104-107, 2011
Is paraphilic coercion a different construct from sadism or the lower end of an agonistic continuum?
N Longpre, JE Sims-Knight, C Neumann, JP Guay, RA Knight
Journal of Criminal Justice 71, 101743, 2020
Petechiae in hanging: a retrospective study of contributing variables
R Clément, JP Guay, M Redpath, A Sauvageau
The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 32 (4), 378-382, 2011
The role of rape-supportive attitudes, alcohol, and sexual arousal in sexual (mis) perception: An experimental study
M Benbouriche, B Testé, JP Guay, ME Lavoie
The Journal of Sex Research, 2019
The developmental antecedents of sexually sadistic behaviours
N Longpré, JP Guay, RA Knight
Routledge international handbook of sexual homicide studies, 283-302, 2018
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