Prof. Rabia Khalaila
Prof. Rabia Khalaila
.VP in Zefat academic college, Israel. Atlantic Fellow for Brain Health Equity, GBHI, UCSF, USA
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Cited by
The relationship between academic self-concept, intrinsic motivation, test anxiety, and academic achievement among nursing students: Mediating and moderating effects
R Khalaila
Nurse education today 35 (3), 432-438, 2015
Simulation in nursing education: an evaluation of students' outcomes at their first clinical practice combined with simulations
R Khalaila
Nurse education today 34 (2), 252-258, 2014
Communication difficulties and psychoemotional distress in patients receiving mechanical ventilation
R Khalaila, W Zbidat, K Anwar, A Bayya, DM Linton, S Sviri
American journal of critical care 20 (6), 470-479, 2011
Internet use, social networks, loneliness, and quality of life among adults aged 50 and older: mediating and moderating effects
R Khalaila, A Vitman-Schorr
Quality of life research 27, 479-489, 2018
Patients' family satisfaction with needs met at the medical intensive care unit
R Khalaila
Journal of advanced nursing 69 (5), 1172-1182, 2013
Aging in place and quality of life among the elderly in Europe: A moderated mediation model
AV Schorr, R Khalaila
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 77, 196-204, 2018
Bullying and its prevention among intensive care nurses
FDK Ganz, H Levy, R Khalaila, D Arad, K Bennaroch, O Kolpak, Y Drori, ...
Journal of Nursing Scholarship 47 (6), 505-511, 2015
Translation of questionnaires into Arabic in cross-cultural research: techniques and equivalence issues
R Khalaila
Journal of Transcultural Nursing 24 (4), 363-370, 2013
Increased Vitamin B12 levels are associated with mortality in critically ill medical patients
S Sviri, R Khalaila, S Daher, A Bayya, DM Linton, I Stav, PV van Heerden
Clinical Nutrition 31 (1), 53-59, 2012
Saliva pH as a biomarker of exam stress and a predictor of exam performance
M Cohen, R Khalaila
Journal of psychosomatic research 77 (5), 420-425, 2014
Moral distress and structural empowerment among a national sample of Israeli intensive care nurses
FDK Ganz, O Raanan, R Khalaila, K Bennaroch, S Scherman, M Bruttin, ...
Journal of Advanced Nursing 69 (2), 415-424, 2013
Does filial piety decrease depression among family caregivers?
R Khalaila, H Litwin
Aging & Mental Health 15 (6), 679-686, 2011
Meeting the needs of patients' families in intensive care units
R Khalaila
Nursing Standard (2014+) 28 (43), 37, 2014
Emotional suppression, caregiving burden, mastery, coping strategies and mental health in spousal caregivers
R Khalaila, M Cohen
Aging & mental health 20 (9), 908-917, 2016
Modernisation and filial piety among traditional family care-givers: a study of Arab-Israelis in cultural transition
R Khalaila, H Litwin
Ageing & Society 32 (5), 769-789, 2012
Development and evaluation of the Arabic filial piety scale
R Khalaila
Research on Social Work Practice 20 (4), 356-367, 2010
Physical distancing is related to fewer electronic and in-person contacts and to increased loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic among older Europeans
E Cohn-Schwartz, A Vitman-Schorr, R Khalaila
Quality of Life Research 31 (4), 1033-1042, 2022
Contact frequency and cognitive health among older adults in Israel
E Schwartz, R Khalaila, H Litwin
Aging & Mental Health 23 (8), 1008-1016, 2019
Perceived accessibility to services and sites among Israeli older adults
A Vitman-Schorr, L Ayalon, R Khalaila
Journal of Applied Gerontology 38 (1), 112-136, 2019
Nurse-led implementation of a safe and effective intravenous insulin protocol in a medical intensive care unit
R Khalaila, E Libersky, D Catz, E Pomerantsev, A Bayya, DM Linton, ...
Critical Care Nurse 31 (6), 27-35, 2011
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Articles 1–20