Georgina King
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Cited by
DRAC: Dose Rate and Age Calculator for trapped charge dating
JA Durcan, GE King, GAT Duller
Quaternary Geochronology 28, 54-61, 2015
Northward migration of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis revealed by OSL thermochronometry
GE King, F Herman, B Guralnik
Science 353 (6301), 800-804, 2016
Innovations in (U–Th)/He, fission track, and trapped charge thermochronometry with applications to earthquakes, weathering, surface‐mantle connections, and the growth and decay …
AK Ault, C Gautheron, GE King
Tectonics 38 (11), 3705-3739, 2019
Climatic fluctuations in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert during the past 215 ka
B Ritter, V Wennrich, A Medialdea, D Brill, G King, S Schneiderwind, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 5270, 2019
Luminescence: comprehensive luminescence dating data analysis
S Kreutzer, C Burow, M Dietze, MC Fuchs, C Schmidt, M Fischer, ...
OSL-thermochronometry of feldspar from the KTB borehole, Germany
B Guralnik, M Jain, F Herman, C Ankjærgaard, AS Murray, PG Valla, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 423, 232-243, 2015
Multi-OSL-thermochronometry of feldspar
GE King, F Herman, R Lambert, PG Valla, B Guralnik
Quaternary Geochronology 33, 76-87, 2016
Arsenic speciation in Mekong Delta sediments depends on their depositional environment
Y Wang, P Le Pape, G Morin, MP Asta, G King, B Bártová, E Suvorova, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (6), 3431-3439, 2018
Trapped-charge thermochronometry and thermometry: A status review
GE King, B Guralnik, PG Valla, F Herman
Chemical Geology 446, 3-17, 2016
Thermoluminescence of feldspar as a multi-thermochronometer to constrain the temporal variation of rock exhumation in the recent past
RH Biswas, F Herman, GE King, J Braun
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 495, 56-68, 2018
Investigation of OSL surface exposure dating to reconstruct post-LIA glacier fluctuations in the French Alps (Mer de Glace, Mont Blanc massif)
B Lehmann, PG Valla, GE King, F Herman
Quaternary geochronology 44, 63-74, 2018
Quartz natural and laboratory ESR dose response curves: A first attempt from Chinese loess
S Tsukamoto, H Long, M Richter, Y Li, GE King, Z He, L Yang, J Zhang, ...
Radiation measurements 120, 137-142, 2018
Towards successful OSL sampling strategies in glacial environments: deciphering the influence of depositional processes on bleaching of modern glacial sediments from Jostedalen …
GE King, RAJ Robinson, AA Finch
Quaternary Science Reviews 89, 94-107, 2014
How reproducible are kinetic parameter constraints of quartz luminescence? An interlaboratory comparison for the 110° C TL peak
C Schmidt, J Friedrich, G Adamiec, A Chruścińska, M Fasoli, S Kreutzer, ...
Radiation measurements 110, 14-24, 2018
Understanding processes of sediment bleaching in glacial settings using a portable OSL reader
GE King, DCW Sanderson, RAJ Robinson, AA Finch
Boreas 43 (4), 955-972, 2014
Postglacial erosion of bedrock surfaces and deglaciation timing: New insights from the Mont Blanc massif (western Alps)
B Lehmann, F Herman, PG Valla, GE King, RH Biswas, S Ivy-Ochs, ...
Geology 48 (2), 139-144, 2020
The problem of dating quartz 1: Spectroscopic ionoluminescence of dose dependence
GE King, AA Finch, RAJ Robinson, DE Hole
Radiation Measurements 46 (1), 1-9, 2011
Successful combination of electron spin resonance, luminescence and palaeomagnetic dating methods allows reconstruction of the Pleistocene evolution of the lower Moulouya river …
M Bartz, G Rixhon, M Duval, GE King, CA Posada, JM Parés, H Brückner
Quaternary science reviews 185, 153-171, 2018
Single-grain feldspar luminescence chronology of historical extreme wave event deposits recorded in a coastal lowland, Pacific coast of central Japan
S Riedesel, D Brill, HM Roberts, GAT Duller, E Garrett, AM Zander, ...
Quaternary geochronology 45, 37-49, 2018
Single-grain TT-OSL dating results confirm an Early Pleistocene age for the lower Moulouya River deposits (NE Morocco)
M Bartz, LJ Arnold, M Demuro, M Duval, GE King, G Rixhon, CÁ Posada, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 49, 138-145, 2019
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Articles 1–20