Silvia Dello Russo
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Cited by
Leader–member exchange (LMX) differentiation and work outcomes: Conceptual clarification and critical review
R Martin, G Thomas, A Legood, S Dello Russo
Journal of organizational behavior 39 (2), 151-168, 2018
Psychological Capital Intervention (PCI): A Replication and Extension
S Dello Russo, P Stoykova
Human Resource Development Quarterly 26 (3), 329-347, 2015
Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The moderating role of national culture
A Smale, S Bagdadli, R Cotton, S Dello Russo, M Dickmann, A Dysvik, ...
Journal of organizational behavior 40 (1), 105-122, 2019
The relationship of employee perceptions of the immediate supervisor and top management with collective efficacy
L Borgogni, S Dello Russo, GP Latham
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 2010
The role of self-efficacy and job satisfaction on absences from work
L Borgogni, S Dello Russo, M Miraglia, M Vecchione
Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied …, 2013
Predicting job satisfaction and job performance in a privatized organization
L Borgogni, S Dello Russo, L Petitta, M Vecchione
International Public Management Journal 13 (3), 275-296, 2010
Individual perceptions of HR practices, HRM strength and appropriateness of care: a meso, multilevel approach
S Dello Russo, D Mascia, F Morandi
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2016
Reducing Organizational Politics in Performance Appraisal: The Role of Coaching Leaders for Age‐Diverse Employees
S Dello Russo, M Miraglia, L Borgogni
Human Resource Management 56 (5), 769–783, 2017
Here, there, & everywhere: Development and validation of a cross-culturally representative measure of subjective career success
JP Briscoe, R Kaše, N Dries, A Dysvik, JA Unite, I Adeleye, M Andresen, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 130, 103612, 2021
Commitment profiles, job satisfaction, and behavioral outcomes
S Dello Russo, M Vecchione, L Borgogni
Applied Psychology 62 (4), 701-719, 2013
Collective efficacy and organizational commitment in an Italian city hall
L Borgogni, S Dello Russo, L Petitta, GP Latham
European Psychologist 14 (4), 363-371, 2009
How time and perceptions of social context shape employee absenteeism trajectories
S Dello Russo, M Miraglia, L Borgogni, G Johns
Journal of Vocational Behavior 83 (2), 209-217, 2013
Exploring professionals' motivation to lead: a cross-level study in the healthcare sector
D Mascia, S Dello Russo, F Morandi
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 26 (12), 1622-1644, 2015
The moderating role of age in the job characteristics–absenteeism relationship: A matter of occupational context?
G Bouville, S Dello Russo, D Truxillo
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 91 (1), 57-83, 2018
An experimental field study on the effects of coaching: The mediating role of psychological capital
A Fontes, S Dello Russo
Applied Psychology 70 (2), 459-488, 2021
A Quantitative Analysis of the High Performance Cycle in Italy
L Borgogni, S Dello Russo
Human capital development practices and career success: The moderating role of country development and income inequality
S Bagdadli, M Gianecchini, M Andresen, R Cotton, R Kaše, M Lazarova, ...
Journal of Organizational Behavior 42 (4), 429-447, 2021
Still feeling employable with growing age? Exploring the moderating effects of developmental HR practices and country-level unemployment rates in the age–employability relationship
SD Russo, E Parry, J Bosak, M Andresen, E Apospori, S Bagdadli, ...
HRM and Employability, 86-112, 2022
The effect of age on daily positive emotions and work behaviors
S Dello Russo, M Antino, S Zaniboni, A Caetano, D Truxillo
Work, Aging and Retirement 7 (1), 9-19, 2021
The Influence of Organizational Politics on Performance Appraisal
GP Latham, S Dello Russo
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Articles 1–20