Frank Lüders
Frank Lüders
Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering, Mälardalen University
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Reuse with software components-a survey of industrial state of practice
R Land, D Sundmark, F Lüders, I Krasteva, A Causevic
Formal Foundations of Reuse and Domain Engineering: 11th International …, 2009
Specification of software components
F Lüders, KK Lau, SM Ho
Artech House, 2002
Generic skills in software engineering master thesis projects: Towards rubric-based evaluation
R Feldt, M Höst, F Lüders
2009 22nd Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, 12-15, 2009
Support for different roles in software engineering master's thesis projects
M Host, R Feldt, F Luders
IEEE Transactions on Education 53 (2), 288-296, 2009
Adopting a component-based software architecture for an industrial control system–a case study
F Lüders, I Crnkovic, P Runeson
Component-Based Software Development for Embedded Systems: An Overview of …, 2005
Use of component-based software architectures in industrial control systems
F Lüders
Mälardalen University, 2003
Adopting a software component model in real-time systems development
F Luders
28th Annual NASA Goddard Software Engineering Workshop, 2003. Proceedings …, 2003
Using software component models and services in embedded real-time systems
F Luders, S Ahmad, F Khizer, G Singh-Dhillon
2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS …, 2007
Software components services for embedded real-time systems
F Luders, D Flemstrom, A Wall
5th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA'05), 278-279, 2005
State of the practice: Component-based software engineering course
I Crnkovic, M Larsson, F Lüders
Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop of Component-Based Software …, 2000
An Evolutionary Approach to Software Components in Embedded Real-Time Systems
F Lüders
Institutionen för Datavetenskap och Elektronik, 2006
Implementation of a software engineering course for computer science students
I Crnkovic, M Larsson, F Luders
Proceedings Seventh Asia-Pacific Software Engeering Conference. APSEC 2000 …, 2000
Case study: Componentization of an industrial control system
F Luders, I Crnkovic, A Sjogren
Proceedings 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications, 67-74, 2002
The Different Aspects of Component Based Software Engineering
I Crnkovic, M Larsson, F Lüders
Malardalen University, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Vasteras, Sweden, ABB …, 2000
A prototype tool for software component services in embedded real-time systems
F Lüders, D Flemström, A Wall, I Crnkovic
International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering, 222-237, 2006
Improved support for master’s thesis projects in software engineering
G Dodig-Crnkovic, F Lüders, M Höst, R Feldt
Rapport nr.: Rapporter från NSHU, 2010
Software process measurements using software configuration management
I Crnkovic, M Larsson, F Lüders
Proceedings of the 11th European Software Control and Metrics Conference …, 2000
Architectural Styles in Component-Based Software Engineering
F Lüders
Component-Based Software Engineering, 2000
A Component-Based Software Architecture for Industrial Control
F Lüders, I Crnkovic, A Sjögren
Software Architecture: System Design, Development and Maintenance, 193-204, 2002
Evaluation of a tool for supporting software component services in embedded real-time systems
F Lüders, I Crnkovic, P Runeson
SERPS’06, 49, 2006
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Articles 1–20