Michael R. Bashshur
Michael R. Bashshur
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When voice matters: A multilevel review of the impact of voice in organizations
MR Bashshur, B Oc
Journal of Management 41 (5), 1530-1554, 2015
Followership, leadership and social influence
B Oc, MR Bashshur
The Leadership Quarterly 24 (6), 919-934, 2013
Job satisfaction as mediator: An assessment of job satisfaction's position within the nomological network
M Crede, OS Chernyshenko, S Stark, RS Dalal, M Bashshur
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 80 (3), 515-538, 2007
Client perspectives of multicultural counseling competence: A qualitative examination
DB Pope-Davis, RL Toporek, L Ortega-Villalobos, DP Ligiéro, ...
The Counseling Psychologist 30 (3), 355-393, 2002
When managers and their teams disagree: a longitudinal look at the consequences of differences in perceptions of organizational support.
MR Bashshur, A Hernández, V González-Romá
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (3), 558, 2011
Rules or consequences? The role of ethical mind-sets in moral dynamics
G Cornelissen, MR Bashshur, J Rode, M Le Menestrel
Psychological Science 24 (4), 482-488, 2013
Leader humility in Singapore
B Oc, MR Bashshur, MA Daniels, GJ Greguras, JM Diefendorff
The Leadership Quarterly 26 (1), 68-80, 2015
Humility breeds authenticity: How authentic leader humility shapes follower vulnerability and felt authenticity
B Oc, MA Daniels, JM Diefendorff, MR Bashshur, GJ Greguras
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 158, 112-125, 2020
Justice climate past, present, and future: Models of structure and emergence
DE Rupp, M Bashshur, H Liao
Multi-level issues in organizations and time, 357-396, 2007
Seeing the “forest” or the “trees” of organizational justice: Effects of temporal perspective on employee concerns about unfair treatment at work
I Cojuharenco, D Patient, MR Bashshur
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 116 (1), 17-31, 2011
Motivated cognition and fairness: Insights, integration, and creating a path forward.
LJ Barclay, MR Bashshur, M Fortin
Journal of Applied Psychology 102 (6), 867, 2017
Speaking truth to power: The effect of candid feedback on how individuals with power allocate resources.
B Oc, MR Bashshur, C Moore
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (2), 450, 2015
Reference group effects in the measurement of personality and attitudes
M Crede, M Bashshur, S Niehorster
Journal of Personality Assessment 92 (5), 390-399, 2010
The impact of underemployment on individual and team performance
MR Bashshur, A Hernández, JM Peiró
Underemployment: Psychological, economic, and social challenges, 187-213, 2011
Justice climate: Consideration of source, target, type, specificity, and emergence
DE Rupp, M Bashshur, H Liao
Multi-level issues in organizations and time, 439-459, 2007
The study of followers in leadership research: A systematic and critical review
B Oc, K Chintakananda, MR Bashshur, DV Day
The Leadership Quarterly 34 (1), 101674, 2023
Using developmental assessment centers to foster workplace fairness
DE Rupp, AM Baldwin, MR Bashshur
Psychologist-Manager Journal 9, 145-170, 2006
The forgotten facet: Employee satisfaction with management above the level of immediate supervision
RS Dalal, MR Bashshur, M Credé
Applied Psychology 60 (2), 183-209, 2011
When the tables are turned: The effects of the 2016 US Presidential election on in-group favoritism and out-group hostility
B Oc, C Moore, MR Bashshur
Plos one 13 (5), e0197848, 2018
Head above the parapet: How minority subordinates influence group outcomes and the consequences they face for doing so.
B Oc, MR Bashshur, C Moore
Journal of Applied Psychology 104 (7), 929, 2019
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Articles 1–20