roni porat
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Prejudice reduction: Progress and challenges
EL Paluck, R Porat, CS Clark, DP Green
Annual review of psychology 72 (1), 533-560, 2021
Shame closely tracks the threat of devaluation by others, even across cultures
D Sznycer, J Tooby, L Cosmides, R Porat, S Shalvi, E Halperin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (10), 2625-2630, 2016
Can emotion regulation change political attitudes in intractable conflicts? From the laboratory to the field
E Halperin, R Porat, M Tamir, JJ Gross
Psychological science 24 (1), 106-111, 2013
What we want is what we get: Group-based emotional preferences and conflict resolution.
R Porat, E Halperin, M Tamir
Journal of personality and social psychology 110 (2), 167, 2016
The differential effects of hope and fear on information processing in intractable conflict
S Cohen-Chen, E Halperin, R Porat, D Bar-Tal
Journal of Social and Political Psychology 2 (1), 11-30, 2014
Support for redistribution is shaped by compassion, envy, and self-interest, but not a taste for fairness
D Sznycer, MF Lopez Seal, A Sell, J Lim, R Porat, S Shalvi, E Halperin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (31), 8420-8425, 2017
Paradoxical thinking as a new avenue of intervention to promote peace
B Hameiri, R Porat, D Bar-Tal, A Bieler, E Halperin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (30), 10996-11001, 2014
God rest our hearts: Religiosity and cognitive reappraisal.
A Vishkin, YE Bigman, R Porat, N Solak, E Halperin, M Tamir
Emotion 16 (2), 252, 2016
Successful emotion regulation requires both conviction and skill: Beliefs about the controllability of emotions, reappraisal, and regulation success
T Gutentag, E Halperin, R Porat, YE Bigman, M Tamir
Cognition and Emotion 31 (6), 1225-1233, 2017
When there’sa will, there’sa way: Disentangling the effects of goals and means in emotion regulation.
M Tamir, E Halperin, R Porat, YE Bigman, Y Hasson
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 116 (5), 795, 2019
The effect of sociopsychological barriers on the processing of new information about peace opportunities
R Porat, E Halperin, D Bar-Tal
Journal of Conflict Resolution 59 (1), 93-119, 2015
Intergroup emotional similarity reduces dehumanization and promotes conciliatory attitudes in prolonged conflict
M McDonald, R Porat, A Yarkoney, M Reifen Tagar, S Kimel, T Saguy, ...
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 20 (1), 125-136, 2017
Emotion regulation in intractable conflicts
JJ Gross, E Halperin, R Porat
Current Directions in Psychological Science 22 (6), 423-429, 2013
Moderating attitudes in times of violence through paradoxical thinking intervention
B Hameiri, R Porat, D Bar-Tal, E Halperin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (43), 12105-12110, 2016
Extinction threat and reciprocal threat reduction: Collective angst predicts willingness to compromise in intractable intergroup conflicts
E Halperin, R Porat, MJA Wohl
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 16 (6), 797-813, 2013
Together we cry: Social motives and preferences for group-based sadness
R Porat, E Halperin, I Mannheim, M Tamir
Cognition and Emotion 30 (1), 66-79, 2016
Motivated emotion and the rally around the flag effect: Liberals are motivated to feel collective angst (like conservatives) when faced with existential threat
R Porat, M Tamir, MJA Wohl, T Gur, E Halperin
Cognition and Emotion 33 (3), 480-491, 2019
Group-based emotion regulation: A motivated approach.
R Porat, M Tamir, E Halperin
Emotion 20 (1), 16, 2020
Developing ReApp: an emotion regulation mobile intervention for intergroup conflict
R Porat, L Erel, V Pnueli, E Halperin
Cognition and Emotion 34 (7), 1326-1342, 2020
Unfreezing cognitions during an intractable conflict: Does an external incentive for negotiating peace and (low levels of) collective angst increase information seeking?
MJA Wohl, R Porat, E Halperin
British Journal of Social Psychology 55 (1), 65-87, 2016
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Articles 1–20