Robert L McCrory
Cited by
Cited by
Initial performance results of the OMEGA laser system
TR Boehly, DL Brown, RS Craxton, RL Keck, JP Knauer, JH Kelly, ...
Optics communications 133 (1-6), 495-506, 1997
Direct-drive inertial confinement fusion: A review
RS Craxton, KS Anderson, TR Boehly, VN Goncharov, DR Harding, ...
Physics of Plasmas 22 (11), 2015
Progress toward ignition and burn propagation in inertial confinement fusion
JD Lindl, RL McCrory, EM Campbell
Physics Today 45 (9), 32-40, 1992
Indications of strongly flux-limited electron thermal conduction in laser-target experiments
RC Malone, RL McCrory, RL Morse
Physical Review Letters 34 (12), 721, 1975
Growth rates of the ablative Rayleigh–Taylor instability in inertial confinement fusion
R Betti, VN Goncharov, RL McCrory, CP Verdon
Physics of Plasmas 5 (5), 1446-1454, 1998
Direct-drive laser fusion: Status and prospects
SE Bodner, DG Colombant, JH Gardner, RH Lehmberg, SP Obenschain, ...
Physics of Plasmas 5 (5), 1901-1918, 1998
Lawson criterion for ignition exceeded in an inertial fusion experiment
H Abu-Shawareb, R Acree, P Adams, J Adams, B Addis, R Aden, P Adrian, ...
Physical review letters 129 (7), 075001, 2022
High-energy petawatt capability for the OMEGA laser
LJ Waxer, DN Maywar, JH Kelly, TJ Kessler, BE Kruschwitz, SJ Loucks, ...
Optics and photonics news 16 (7), 30-36, 2005
Direct‐drive laser‐fusion experiments with the OMEGA, 60‐beam,> 40 kJ, ultraviolet laser system
JM Soures, RL McCrory, CP Verdon, A Babushkin, RE Bahr, TR Boehly, ...
Physics of Plasmas 3 (5), 2108-2112, 1996
The upgrade to the OMEGA laser system
TR Boehly, RS Craxton, TH Hinterman, JH Kelly, TJ Kessler, SA Kumpan, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 66 (1), 508-510, 1995
Analysis of a direct-drive ignition capsule designed for the National Ignition Facility
PW McKenty, VN Goncharov, RPJ Town, S Skupsky, R Betti, RL McCrory
Physics of Plasmas 8 (5), 2315-2322, 2001
Early stage of implosion in inertial confinement fusion: Shock timing and perturbation evolution
VN Goncharov, OV Gotchev, E Vianello, TR Boehly, JP Knauer, ...
Physics of plasmas 13 (1), 2006
Thermonuclear ignition in inertial confinement fusion and comparison with magnetic confinement
R Betti, PY Chang, BK Spears, KS Anderson, J Edwards, M Fatenejad, ...
Physics of Plasmas 17 (5), 2010
Improved performance of direct-drive inertial confinement fusion target designs with adiabat shaping using an intensity picket
VN Goncharov, JP Knauer, PW McKenty, PB Radha, TC Sangster, ...
Physics of Plasmas 10 (5), 1906-1918, 2003
Polar direct drive on the National Ignition Facility
S Skupsky, JA Marozas, RS Craxton, R Betti, TJB Collins, JA Delettrez, ...
Physics of Plasmas 11 (5), 2763-2770, 2004
Hot-spot mix in ignition-scale inertial confinement fusion targets
SP Regan, R Epstein, BA Hammel, LJ Suter, HA Scott, MA Barrios, ...
Physical review letters 111 (4), 045001, 2013
Improving the hot-spot pressure and demonstrating ignition hydrodynamic equivalence in cryogenic deuterium–tritium implosions on OMEGA
VN Goncharov, TC Sangster, R Betti, TR Boehly, MJ Bonino, TJB Collins, ...
Physics of Plasmas 21 (5), 2014
Self‐consistent stability analysis of ablation fronts with large Froude numbers
VN Goncharov, R Betti, RL McCrory, P Sorotokin, CP Verdon
Physics of Plasmas 3 (4), 1402-1414, 1996
Crossed-beam energy transfer in direct-drive implosions
IV Igumenshchev, W Seka, DH Edgell, DT Michel, DH Froula, ...
Physics of Plasmas 19 (5), 2012
Deceleration phase of inertial confinement fusion implosions
R Betti, K Anderson, VN Goncharov, RL McCrory, DD Meyerhofer, ...
Physics of Plasmas 9 (5), 2277-2286, 2002
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Articles 1–20