Lars Grüne
Lars Grüne
Professor for Applied Mathematics, Universität Bayreuth
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Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
L Grüne, J Pannek
Springer London, 1st edition 2011, 2nd edition 2017, 2011
Economic receding horizon control without terminal constraints
L Grüne
Automatica 49 (3), 725-734, 2013
Distributed and decentralized control of residential energy systems incorporating battery storage
K Worthmann, CM Kellett, P Braun, L Grüne, SR Weller
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (4), 1914-1923, 2015
Analysis and design of unconstrained nonlinear MPC schemes for finite and infinite dimensional systems
L Grüne
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (2), 1206-1228, 2009
On the infinite horizon performance of receding horizon controllers
L Grüne, A Rantzer
Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on 53 (9), 2100-2111, 2008
Economic nonlinear model predictive control
T Faulwasser, L Grüne, MA Müller
Foundations and Trends® in Systems and Control 5 (1), 1-98, 2018
Asymptotic Behavior of Dynamical and Control Systems Under Perturbation and Discretization
L Grüne
Springer, 2002
Analysis of unconstrained nonlinear MPC schemes with time varying control horizon
L Grüne, J Pannek, M Seehafer, K Worthmann
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (8), 4938-4962, 2010
Stability and feasibility of state constrained MPC without stabilizing terminal constraints
A Boccia, L Grüne, K Worthmann
Systems & Control Letters 72, 14-21, 2014
Homogeneous state feedback stabilization of homogenous systems
L Grüne
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 38 (4), 1288-1308, 2000
Asymptotic stability and transient optimality of economic MPC without terminal conditions
L Grüne, M Stieler
Journal of Process Control 24 (8), 1187-1196, 2014
Lyapunov-based continuous-time nonlinear controller redesign for sampled-data implementation
D Nešić, L Grüne
Automatica 41 (7), 1143-1156, 2005
An exponential turnpike theorem for dissipative optimal control problems
T Damm, L Grüne, S Marleen, K Worthmann
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 52, 1935-1957, 2014
Using dynamic programming with adaptive grid scheme for optimal control problems in economics
L Grüne, W Semmler
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28 (12), 2427-2456, 2004
An adaptive grid scheme for the discrete Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation
L Grüne
Numerische Mathematik 75, 319-337, 1997
NMPC without terminal constraints
L Grüne
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (17), 1-13, 2012
On the relation between strict dissipativity and turnpike properties
L Grüne, MA Müller
Systems & Control Letters 90, 45-53, 2016
Using nonlinear model predictive control for dynamic decision problems in economics
L Grüne, W Semmler, M Stieler
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 60, 112-133, 2015
Asymptotic stability equals exponential stability, and ISS equals finite energy gain—if you twist your eyes
L Grüne, ED Sontag, FR Wirth
Systems & Control Letters 38 (2), 127-134, 1999
Hierarchical distributed model predictive control of interconnected microgrids
CA Hans, P Braun, J Raisch, L Grüne, C Reincke-Collon
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 10 (1), 407-416, 2018
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Articles 1–20