Michael Smith
Michael Smith
Research & Innovation Project Manager, Sy&Se SA
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Cited by
Piezoelectric polymers: theory, challenges and opportunities
M Smith, S Kar-Narayan
International Materials Reviews 67 (1), 65-88, 2022
Controlling and assessing the quality of aerosol jet printed features for large area and flexible electronics
M Smith, YS Choi, C Boughey, S Kar-Narayan
Flexible and Printed Electronics 2 (1), 015004, 2017
Fiber pumps for wearable fluidic systems
M Smith, V Cacucciolo, H Shea
Science 379 (6639), 1327-1332, 2023
Direct observation of shear piezoelectricity in poly-l-lactic acid nanowires
M Smith, Y Calahorra, Q Jing, S Kar-Narayan
APL Materials 5 (7), 2017
Freestanding functional structures by aerosol‐jet printing for stretchable electronics and sensing applications
Q Jing, YS Choi, M Smith, C Ou, T Busolo, S Kar‐Narayan
Advanced Materials Technologies 4 (7), 1900048, 2019
Unprecedented dipole alignment in α-phase nylon-11 nanowires for high-performance energy-harvesting applications
YS Choi, SK Kim, M Smith, F Williams, ME Vickers, JA Elliott, ...
Science Advances 6 (24), eaay5065, 2020
Aerosol‐jet printed fine‐featured triboelectric sensors for motion sensing
Q Jing, YS Choi, M Smith, N Ćatić, C Ou, S Kar‐Narayan
Advanced Materials Technologies 4 (1), 1800328, 2019
Aerosol-jet printing facilitates the rapid prototyping of microfluidic devices with versatile geometries and precise channel functionalization
N Ćatić, L Wells, K Al Nahas, M Smith, Q Jing, UF Keyser, J Cama, ...
Applied Materials Today 19, 100618, 2020
Poly-l-Lactic Acid Nanotubes as Soft Piezoelectric Interfaces for Biology: Controlling Cell Attachment via Polymer Crystallinity
M Smith, T Chalklen, C Lindackers, Y Calahorra, C Howe, A Tamboli, ...
ACS applied bio materials 3 (4), 2140-2149, 2020
Mapping piezoelectric response in nanomaterials using a dedicated non-destructive scanning probe technique
Y Calahorra, M Smith, A Datta, H Benisty, S Kar-Narayan
Nanoscale 9 (48), 19290-19297, 2017
FullyPrinted flexible plasmonic metafilms with directional color dynamics
J Peng, HH Jeong, M Smith, R Chikkaraddy, Q Lin, HL Liang, ...
Advanced Science 8 (2), 2002419, 2021
Mechanical energy harvesting performance of ferroelectric polymer nanowires grown via template‐wetting
RA Whiter, C Boughey, M Smith, S Kar‐Narayan
Energy Technology 6 (5), 928-934, 2018
Exploring piezoelectric properties of III–V nanowires using piezo-response force microscopy
Y Calahorra, X Guan, NN Halder, M Smith, S Cohen, D Ritter, J Penuelas, ...
Semiconductor Science and Technology 32 (7), 074006, 2017
Needs and enabling technologies for stretchable electronics commercialization
E Tan, Q Jing, M Smith, S Kar-Narayan, L Occhipinti
MRS Advances 2 (31-32), 1721-1729, 2017
Enhanced Molecular Alignment in Poly‐l‐Lactic Acid Nanotubes Induced via Melt‐Press Template‐Wetting
M Smith, C Lindackers, K McCarthy, S Kar‐Narayan
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 304 (3), 1800607, 2019
Highly dispersed nanomaterials in polymer matrix via aerosol-jet-based multi-material 3D printing
H Hwang, S Park, M Smith, ST Bose, AR Peringath, J Zhang, JT Kim, ...
Nano Energy 128, 109803, 2024
Improved fatigue resistance in transfer-printed flexible circuits embedded in polymer substrates with low melting temperatures
T Chalklen, M Smith, S Kar-Narayan
Flexible and Printed Electronics 8 (2), 025014, 2023
A variable stiffness soft gripper with integrated ion-drag pump
MJH Smith, KM Digumarti, V Cacucciolo, H Shea
Proceedings Volume PC12042, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices …, 2022
Research data supporting" Freestanding Functional Structures by Aerosol-Jet Printing for Stretchable Electronics and Sensing Applications"
Q Jing, YS Choi, M Smith, C Ou, T Busolo, S Kar-Narayan
Research data supporting" Improved fatigue resistance in transfer-printed flexible circuits embedded in polymer substrates with low melting temperatures"
T Chalklen, S Kar-Narayan, M Smith
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Articles 1–20