Kyung-Hee Lee
Kyung-Hee Lee
Krannert School of Management, Purdue University
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Work-Family Conflict and Work-Life Conflict
EE Kossek, KH Lee
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management, 2017
The Impact of Deployment on Parental, Family and Child Adjustment in Military Families
P Lester, H Aralis, M Sinclair, C Kiff, KH Lee, S Mustillo, ...
Child Psychology & Human Development, 2016
Idealization and disillusionment in intimate relationships: A review of theory, method, and research
S Niehuis, KH Lee, A Reifman, A Swenson, S Hunsaker
Journal of Family Theory & Review 3 (4), 273-302, 2011
Journeys to remain childless: A grounded theory examination of decision-making processes among voluntarily childless couples
KH Lee, AM Zvonkovic
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 31 (4), 535-553, 2014
The coronavirus & work-life inequality: Three evidence-based initiatives to update US work-life employment policies
EE Kossek, KH Lee
Behavioral Science & Policy 6 (2), 77-85, 2020
Family stressors and resources: Relationships with depressive symptoms in military couples during pre‐deployment
CL Collins, KH Lee, SM MacDermid Wadsworth
Family Relations 66 (2), 302-316, 2017
Disillusionment in cohabiting and married couples: A national study
S Niehuis, A Reifman, KH Lee
Journal of Family Issues 36 (7), 951-973, 2015
Work-life inclusion for women’s career equality
EE Kossek, KH Lee
Organizational Dynamics, 2021
Recession Jitters Among Professional Class Families: Perceptions of Economic Strain and Family Adjustments
AM Zvonkovic, KH Lee, E Brooks-Hurst, NY Lee
Journal of Family Issues, 0192513X13476503, 2013
His or her parents? Perceived parental approval of romantic relationships among college students and their partners
KH Lee, AVR Swenson, S Niehuis
Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships 4 (2), 213-236, 2010
Do episodic self-and partner-uncertainty mediate the association between attachment orientations and emotional responses to relationship-threatening events in dating couples?
S Niehuis, A Reifman, JL Fischer, KH Lee
Cognition and emotion 30 (6), 1232-1245, 2016
The newest generation of US veterans and their families
KH Lee, S MacDermid Wadsworth
Families & change: Coping with stressful events and transitions, 204-220, 2017
Creating Gender-inclusive Organizations: Lessons from Research and Practice
EE Kossek, KH Lee
University of Toronto Press, 2020
Introduction: Fostering Gender and Work-Life Inclusion in Understudied Contexts from an Organizational Science Lens
EE Kossek, KH Lee
Creating gender-inclusive organizations: Lessons from research and practice
EE Kossek, KH Lee
Personnel Psychology 74, 865-871, 2021
Fostering Gender and Work-Life Inclusion for Faculty in Understudied Contexts: An Organizational Science Lense
T Allen, M Mor Barak, S Creary, T Dumas, D Dwertmann, MF Fox, ...
Fostering Gender and Work-Life Inclusion for Faculty in Understudied …, 2020
Age at First Marriage
S Niehuis, KH Lee
Cultural Sociology of Divorce: An Encyclopedia, 53-56, 2013
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Articles 1–17