guy shilo
guy shilo
Associate Professor, Bob Shapell School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University
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Cited by
Effects of family and friend support on LGB youths' mental health and sexual orientation milestones
G Shilo, R Savaya
Family Relations 60 (3), 318-330, 2011
Mental health of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth and young adults: Differential effects of age, gender, religiosity, and sexual orientation
G Shilo, R Savaya
Journal of Research on Adolescence 22 (2), 310-325, 2012
Individual and community resilience factors among lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and questioning youth and adults in Israel
G Shilo, N Antebi, Z Mor
American journal of community psychology 55, 215-227, 2015
COVID-19 and the changes in the sexual behavior of men who have sex with men: results of an online survey
G Shilo, Z Mor
The journal of sexual medicine 17 (10), 1827-1834, 2020
The impact of minority stressors on the mental and physical health of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths and young adults
G Shilo, Z Mor
Health & Social Work 39 (3), 161-171, 2014
How depressed and suicidal sexual minority adolescents understand the causes of their distress
GM Diamond, G Shilo, E Jurgensen, A D'Augelli, V Samarova, K White
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health 15 (2), 130-151, 2011
Changes in youths' perceived parental acceptance of their sexual minority status over time
V Samarova, G Shilo, GM Diamond
Journal of Research on Adolescence 24 (4), 681-688, 2014
Religious coping strategies and mental health among religious Jewish gay and bisexual men
G Shilo, I Yossef, R Savaya
Archives of sexual behavior 45, 1551-1561, 2016
Parental acceptance, parental psychological control and psychological symptoms among sexual minority adolescents
A Bebes, V Samarova, G Shilo, GM Diamond
Journal of Child and Family Studies 24, 882-890, 2015
Do my teachers care I'm gay? Israeli lesbigay school students' experiences at their schools
O Pizmony-Levy, A Kama, G Shilo, S Lavee
Journal of LGBT Youth 5 (2), 33-61, 2008
How do social workers define the concept of family?
B Gavriel-Fried, G Shilo, O Cohen
British Journal of Social Work 44 (4), 992-1010, 2014
The perception of family in Israel and the United States: Similarities and differences
B Gavriel-Fried, G Shilo
Journal of Family Issues 38 (4), 480-499, 2017
Defining the family: The role of personal values and personal acquaintance
B Gavriel-Fried, G Shilo
Journal of Family Studies 22 (1), 43-62, 2016
Pride and the true colors of the holy land: School climate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students in Israel
O Pizmony-Levy, A Rogel, G Shilo
International Journal of Educational Development 70, 102082, 2019
Is there a new Israeli gay teenager?
O Pizmony-Levy, G Shilo, B Pinhasi
Journal of LGBT Youth 6 (4), 340-368, 2009
The attitudes toward men who pay for sex scale: Development and preliminary validation
E Peled, G Shilo, Y Marton Marom, U Eick
Archives of sexual behavior, 1-13, 2020
Seeking sex online: Social and sexual risk factors among adolescent and young gay and bisexual men
G Shilo, Z Mor
Sexual health 12 (3), 217-223, 2015
Mental distress, well-being, and stress-related growth following an anti-LGBQ hate crime among LGBQ young adults in Israel: The effect of familiarity with the victims and the …
N Antebi-Gruszka, Z Mor, G Shilo
Journal of Homosexuality, 2020
Help-seeking and help-related experiences of commercially sexually exploited youth: a qualitative meta-synthesis
A Prior, G Shilo, E Peled
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 24 (3), 1693-1711, 2023
Sexual practices and risk behaviors of Israeli adult heterosexual men
G Shilo, Z Mor
AIDS care 32 (5), 567-571, 2020
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Articles 1–20