Richen Liu
Richen Liu
Nanjing Normal University
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Cited by
Metaverse: Perspectives from graphics, interactions and visualization
Y Zhao, J Jiang, Y Chen, R Liu, Y Yang, X Xue, S Chen
Visual Informatics 6 (1), 56-67, 2022
Advection-based sparse data management for visualizing unsteady flow
H Guo, J Zhang, R Liu, L Liu, X Yuan, J Huang, X Meng, J Pan
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 20 (12), 2555-2564, 2014
Comparative visualization of vector field ensembles based on longest common subsequence
R Liu, H Guo, J Zhang, X Yuan
2016 IEEE pacific visualization symposium (PacificVis), 96-103, 2016
Domain-Specific Language Techniques for Visual Computing: A Comprehensive Study
L Shen, X Chen, R Liu, H Wang, G Ji
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-22, 2020
Seismic structure extraction based on multi-scale sensitivity analysis
R Liu, H Guo, X Yuan
Journal of Visualization 17, 157-166, 2014
Interactive extended reality techniques in information visualization
R Liu, M Gao, L Wang, X Wang, Y Xiang, A Zhang, J Xia, Y Chen, S Chen
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 52 (6), 1338-1351, 2022
Narrative Scientific Data Visualization in an Immersive Environment
R Liu, H Wang, C Zhang, X Chen, L Wang, G Ji, B Zhao, Z Mao, D Yang
Bioinformatics 37, 1-9, 2021
A Survey of Multi-Space Techniques in Spatio-Temporal Simulation Data Visualization
X Chen, L Shen, Z Sha, R Liu, S Chen, G Ji, C Tan
Visual Informatics 3 (3), 125-135, 2019
IGScript: An Interaction Grammar for Scientific Data Presentation
R Liu, M Gao, S Ye, J Zhang
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI’21) 26, 1-13, 2021
Interactive stratigraphic structure visualization for seismic data
R Liu, S Chen, G Ji, B Zhao, Q Li, M Su
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 48, 81-90, 2018
User-defined feature comparison for vector field ensembles
R Liu, H Guo, X Yuan
Journal of visualization 20, 217-229, 2017
Interactive geological visualization based on quadratic-surface distance query
M Gao, L Wang, J Jia, Y Chen, R Liu, L Shen, X Chen, M Su
Journal of Electronic Imaging 28 (2), 021009-021009, 2019
A bottom-up scheme for user-defined feature comparison in ensemble data
R Liu, H Guo, X Yuan
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Visualization in High Performance Computing, 10, 2015
DTBVis: An interactive visual comparison system for digital twin brain and human brain
Y Li, X Li, S Shen, L Zeng, R Liu, Q Zheng, J Feng, S Chen
Visual Informatics 7 (2), 41-53, 2023
Multiuser Collaborative Illustration and Visualization for Volumetric Scientific Data
R Liu, X Wen, M Jiang, G Yang, C Zhang, X Chen
Software: Practice and Experience (Accepted), 1-17, 2021
Sketch-based slice interpretative visualization for stratigraphic data
R Liu, L Shen, X Chen, G Ji, B Zhao, C Tan, M Su
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 63 (6), 60505-1-60505-10, 2019
LTSA-LE: A Local Tangent Space Alignment Label Enhancement algorithm
C Tan, G Ji, R Liu, Y Cao
Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2019
Domain‐Specific Visualization System Based on Automatic Multiseed Recommendations: Extracting Stratigraphic Structures
R Liu, G Ji, M Su
Software: Practice and Experience 20 (2), 98-115, 2020
MLMD: Multi-layered visualization for multi-dimensional data
B Yu, R Liu, X Yuan
The Eurographics Association, 2013
Histogram-based nonlinear transfer function edit and fusion
M Gao, Y Xiang, L Wang, R Liu, S Fang, S Chen, J Jia, G Ji, B Zhao
Image and Graphics: 10th International Conference, ICIG 2019, Beijing, China …, 2019
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