Sanne Kruikemeier
Cited by
Cited by
In AI we trust? Perceptions about automated decision-making by artificial intelligence
T Araujo, N Helberger, S Kruikemeier, CH De Vreese
AI & society 35 (3), 611-623, 2020
Online behavioral advertising: A literature review and research agenda
SC Boerman, S Kruikemeier, FJ Zuiderveen Borgesius
Journal of advertising 46 (3), 363-376, 2017
How political candidates use Twitter and the impact on votes
S Kruikemeier
Computers in human behavior 34, 131-139, 2014
Getting closer: The effects of personalized and interactive online political communication
S Kruikemeier, G van Noort, R Vliegenthart, CH de Vreese
European Journal of Communication 28 (1), 53-66, 2013
Re-evaluating journalistic routines in a digital age: A review of research on the use of online sources
S Lecheler, S Kruikemeier
New media & society 18 (1), 156-171, 2016
Exploring motivations for online privacy protection behavior: Insights from panel data
SC Boerman, S Kruikemeier, FJ Zuiderveen Borgesius
Communication Research 48 (7), 953-977, 2021
Personalization of politics on Facebook: Examining the content and effects of professional, emotional and private self-personalization
M Metz, S Kruikemeier, S Lecheler
Information, Communication & Society 23 (10), 1481-1498, 2020
Online political microtargeting: Promises and threats for democracy
F Zuiderveen Borgesius, J Möller, S Kruikemeier, R Ó Fathaigh, K Irion, ...
Utrecht Law Review 14 (1), 82-96, 2018
Understanding the effects of personalization as a privacy calculus: Analyzing self-disclosure across health, news, and commerce contexts
N Bol, T Dienlin, S Kruikemeier, M Sax, SC Boerman, J Strycharz, ...
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 23 (6), 370-388, 2018
Unraveling the effects of active and passive forms of political Internet use: Does it affect citizens’ political involvement?
S Kruikemeier, G Van Noort, R Vliegenthart, CH de Vreese
New Media & Society 16 (6), 903-920, 2014
Online political microtargeting: Promises and threats for democracy
FJZ Borgesius, J Möller, S Kruikemeier, RÓ Fathaigh, K Irion, T Dobber, ...
Utrecht Law Review 14 (1), 82-96, 2018
Digital diplomacy in GCC countries: Strategic communication of Western embassies on Twitter
N Strauß, S Kruikemeier, H van der Meulen, G van Noort
Government Information Quarterly 32 (4), 369-379, 2015
News avoidance during the COVID-19 crisis: Understanding information overload
K De Bruin, Y De Haan, R Vliegenthart, S Kruikemeier, M Boukes
Digital Journalism 9 (9), 1286-1302, 2021
News media use and political engagement among adolescents: An analysis of virtuous circles using panel data
S Kruikemeier, A Shehata
Political Communication 34 (2), 221-242, 2017
Political microtargeting: relationship between personalized advertising on Facebook and voters' responses
S Kruikemeier, M Sezgin, SC Boerman
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 19 (6), 367-372, 2016
The mix of media use matters: Investigating the effects of individual news repertoires on offline and online political participation
J Strömbäck, K Falasca, S Kruikemeier
Political Communication 35 (3), 413-432, 2018
Consumer responses to promoted tweets sent by brands and political parties
SC Boerman, S Kruikemeier
Computers in human behavior 65, 285-294, 2016
Learning from news on different media platforms: An eye-tracking experiment
S Kruikemeier, S Lecheler, MM Boyer
Political Communication 35 (1), 75-96, 2018
Nation binding: How public service broadcasting mitigates political selective exposure
L Bos, S Kruikemeier, C De Vreese
PloS one 11 (5), e0155112, 2016
Online news user journeys: the role of social media, news websites, and topics
S Vermeer, D Trilling, S Kruikemeier, C de Vreese
Digital Journalism 8 (9), 1114-1141, 2020
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Articles 1–20