Sushil Nifadkar
Cited by
Cited by
Cross-national, cross-cultural organizational behavior research: Advances, gaps, and recommendations
AS Tsui, SS Nifadkar, AY Ou
Journal of Management 33 (3), 426-478, 2007
The way you make me feel and behave: Supervisor-triggered newcomer affect and approach-avoidance behavior
S Nifadkar, AS Tsui, BE Ashforth
Academy of Management Journal 55 (5), 1146-1168, 2012
Newcomer Adjustment: Examining the Role of Managers' Perception of Newcomer Proactive Behavior During Organizational Socialization.
AM Ellis, SS Nifadkar, TN Bauer, B Erdogan
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2017
Breach of Belongingness: Newcomer Relationship Conflict, Information, and Task-Related Outcomes During Organizational Socialization.
SS Nifadkar, TN Bauer
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2015
Supervisors’ work‐related and nonwork information sharing: Integrating research on information sharing, information seeking, and trust using self‐disclosure theory
SS Nifadkar, W Wu, Q Gu
Personnel Psychology 72 (2), 241-269, 2019
Filling in the “blank slate”: Examining newcomers’ schemas of supervisors during organizational socialization
SS Nifadkar
Journal of Management 46 (5), 666-693, 2020
Your New Hires Won’t Succeed Unless You Onboard Them Properly
AM Ellis, SS Nifadkar, TN Bauer, B Erdogan
Harvard Business Review, 2017
Newcomers as unwitting victims? Examining department leaders' denial of information support and team leaders' resentment during organizational socialization
SS Nifadkar, W Wu
Journal of Organizational Behavior 43 (1), 52-68, 2022
Nagging problems and modest solutions in cross-cultural research: Illustrations from organizational behavior literature
AS Tsui, SS Nifadkar, AY Ou
Understanding Culture, 173-196, 2013
Examining Managers’ Perception of Newcomer Proactive Behavior during Organizational Socialization
A Ellis, S Nifadkar, TN Bauer, B Erdogan
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 10592, 2017
Great minds in management: the process of theory development
SS Nifadkar, AS Tsui
Academy of Management Review 32 (1), 298-303, 2007
Online health behavior: Antecedents and outcomes of employee participation in an organization's online health program
SS Nifadkar, S Bhagavatula
Personnel Psychology 74 (3), 449-476, 2021
Supervisors’ Schemas: Influence on Newcomers’ Adjustment During Organizational Socialization
S Nifadkar
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 14750, 2018
Your New Hires Won’t Succeed Unless You Onboard Them Properly. Links to an external site
A Ellis, S Nifadkar, T Bauer, B Erdogan
Harvard Business Review Digital Articles Interviews October 30th 22, 2021
Conscious customers and COVID-19
SS Nifadkar, V Dalela
California Management Review, 2021
Supervisors’ Resentment During Organizational Socialization: Effects on Newcomers’ Adjustment
S Nifadkar, W Wu
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 10977, 2019
Breach of Belongingness: Newcomer Relationship Conflict, Information, and Task-Related Outcomes
S Nifadkar, TN Bauer
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 17612, 2015
Option Exercise Decision Making under the Shadow of the Past: The Case of Joint Ventures
H Kim, S Nifadkar, H Kim
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 12194, 2014
How Does Intragroup Relationship Conflict Drive Newcomer Passivity and Escape: A Multilevel Model
SS Nifadkar
Academy of Management Proceedings 2012 (1), 10289, 2012
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Articles 1–19