Goksen Goksenin Yaralioglu
Goksen Goksenin Yaralioglu
Associated Professor of Electrical Engineering, Ozyegin University
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Ultrasonic mixing in microfluidic channels using integrated transducers
GG Yaralioglu, IO Wygant, TC Marentis, BT Khuri-Yakub
Analytical chemistry 76 (13), 3694-3698, 2004
Automated parallel high-speed atomic force microscopy
SC Minne, G Yaralioglu, SR Manalis, JD Adams, J Zesch, A Atalar, ...
Applied Physics Letters 72 (18), 2340-2342, 1998
Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers: Theory and technology
AS Ergun, GG Yaralioglu, BT Khuri-Yakub
Journal of aerospace engineering 16 (2), 76-84, 2003
Calculation and measurement of electromechanical coupling coefficient of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers
GG Yaralioglu, AS Ergun, B Bayram, E Haeggstrom, BT Khuri-Yakub
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 50 …, 2003
High-speed tapping mode imaging with active Q control for atomic force microscopy
T Sulchek, R Hsieh, JD Adams, GG Yaralioglu, SC Minne, CF Quate, ...
Applied Physics Letters 76 (11), 1473-1475, 2000
Centimeter scale atomic force microscope imaging and lithography
SC Minne, JD Adams, G Yaralioglu, SR Manalis, A Atalar, CF Quate
Applied Physics Letters 73 (12), 1742-1744, 1998
Analysis and design of an interdigital cantilever as a displacement sensor
GG Yaralioglu, A Atalar, SR Manalis, CF Quate
Journal of Applied Physics 83 (12), 7405-7415, 1998
Characterization and optimization of scan speed for tapping-mode atomic force microscopy
T Sulchek, GG Yaralioglu, CF Quate, SC Minne
Review of Scientific Instruments 73 (8), 2928-2936, 2002
50 kHz capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers for generation of highly directional sound with parametric arrays
IO Wygant, M Kupnik, JC Windsor, WM Wright, MS Wochner, ...
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 56 …, 2009
5× 5 2D AFM cantilever arrays a first step towards a Terabit storage device
M Lutwyche, C Andreoli, G Binnig, J Brugger, U Drechsler, W Häberle, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 73 (1-2), 89-94, 1999
Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) with varying thickness membrane
B Khuri-Yakub, AS Ergun, GG Yaralioglu, Y Huang, S Hansen
US Patent 7,615,834, 2009
High-resolution imaging of elastic properties using harmonic cantilevers
O Sahin, G Yaralioglu, R Grow, SF Zappe, A Atalar, C Quate, O Solgaard
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 114 (2-3), 183-190, 2004
Finite-element analysis of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers
GG Yaralioglu, SA Ergun, BT Khuri-Yakub
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 52 …, 2005
Microfluidic sonicator for real-time disruption of eukaryotic cells and bacterial spores for DNA analysis
TC Marentis, B Kusler, GG Yaralioglu, S Liu, EO Hæggström, ...
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 31 (9), 1265-1277, 2005
A new regime for operating capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers
B Bayram, E Hæggstrom, GG Yaralioglu, BT Khuri-Yakub
ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 50 …, 2003
Image-guided delivery of therapeutic tools duing minimally invasive surgeries and interventions
BT Khuri-Yakub, O Oralkan, GG Yaralioglu
US Patent App. 12/072,906, 2008
Experimental characterization of collapse-mode CMUT operation
O Oralkan, B Bayram, GG Yaralioglu, AS Ergun, M Kupnik, DT Yeh, ...
ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 53 …, 2006
Two-dimensional micromechanical bimorph arrays for detection of thermal radiation
SR Manalis, SC Minne, CF Quate, GG Yaralioglu, A Atalar
Applied Physics Letters 70 (24), 3311-3313, 1997
Vertically integrated 3-axis MEMS accelerometer with electronics
SS Nasiri, J Seeger, G Yaralioglu
US Patent 8,047,075, 2011
Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers for chemical detection in nitrogen
KK Park, HJ Lee, GG Yaralioglu, AS Ergun, Ö Oralkan, M Kupnik, ...
Applied Physics Letters 91 (9), 2007
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Articles 1–20