Sebastian Blaes
Sebastian Blaes
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Autonomous Learning
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Cited by
Sample-efficient cross-entropy method for real-time planning
C Pinneri, S Sawant, S Blaes, J Achterhold, J Stueckler, M Rolinek, ...
Conference on Robot Learning, 1049-1065, 2021
Learning agile skills via adversarial imitation of rough partial demonstrations
C Li, M Vlastelica, S Blaes, J Frey, F Grimminger, G Martius
Conference on Robot Learning, 342-352, 2023
Control what you can: Intrinsically motivated task-planning agent
S Blaes, M Vlastelica Pogančić, J Zhu, G Martius
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
Few-shot learning in deep networks through global prototyping
S Blaes, T Burwick
Neural networks 94, 159-172, 2017
Benchmarking offline reinforcement learning on real-robot hardware
N Gürtler, S Blaes, P Kolev, F Widmaier, M Wüthrich, S Bauer, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.15690, 2023
Curious exploration via structured world models yields zero-shot object manipulation
C Sancaktar, S Blaes, G Martius
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 24170-24183, 2022
Electron density and plasma dynamics of a spherical theta pinch
C Teske, Y Liu, S Blaes, J Jacoby
Physics of plasmas 19 (3), 2012
Versatile skill control via self-supervised adversarial imitation of unlabeled mixed motions
C Li, S Blaes, P Kolev, M Vlastelica, J Frey, G Martius
2023 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 2944-2950, 2023
Risk-averse zero-order trajectory optimization
M Vlastelica, S Blaes, C Pinneri, G Martius
5th Annual Conference on Robot Learning, 2021
Optimistic active exploration of dynamical systems
L Treven, C Sancaktar, S Blaes, S Coros, A Krause
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 38122-38153, 2023
Extracting strong policies for robotics tasks from zero-order trajectory optimizers
C Pinneri, S Sawant, S Blaes, G Martius
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2021
Real robot challenge 2022: Learning dexterous manipulation from offline data in the real world
N Gürtler, F Widmaier, C Sancaktar, S Blaes, P Kolev, S Bauer, ...
NeurIPS 2022 Competition Track, 133-150, 2023
Attentional bias through oscillatory coherence between excitatory activity and inhibitory minima
S Blaes, T Burwick
Neural Computation 27 (7), 1405-1437, 2015
Mind the Uncertainty: Risk-Aware and Actively Exploring Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
M Vlastelica, S Blaes, C Pineri, G Martius
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.05582, 2023
Nature-inspired inductive biases in learning robots
S Blaes
Universität Tübingen, 2022
Feature binding in deep convolution networks with recurrences, oscillations, and top-down modulated dynamics.
M Mundt, S Blaes, T Burwick
ESANN, 2016
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Articles 1–16