Alessandro Farnè
Alessandro Farnè
ImpAct Team, Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre
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Cited by
Prism adaptation to a rightward optical deviation rehabilitates left hemispatial neglect
Y Rossetti, G Rode, L Pisella, A Farné, L Li, D Boisson, MT Perenin
Nature 395 (6698), 166-169, 1998
Hemispatial neglect: Subtypes, neuroanatomy, and disability
LJ Buxbaum, MK Ferraro, T Veramonti, A Farne, J Whyte, E Ladavas, ...
Neurology 62 (5), 749-756, 2004
Tool-use induces morphological updating of the body schema
L Cardinali, F Frassinetti, C Brozzoli, C Urquizar, AC Roy, A Farnè
Current biology 19 (12), R478-R479, 2009
Dynamic size-change of hand peripersonal space following tool use
A Farnè, E Làdavas
Neuroreport 11 (8), 1645, 2000
Seeing where your hands are
G Di Pellegrino, E Làdavas, A Farné
Nature 388 (6644), 730-730, 1997
Are perception and action affected differently by the Titchener circles illusion?
F Pavani, I Boscagli, F Benvenuti, M Rabuffetti, A Farnè
Experimental Brain Research 127 (1), 95-101, 1999
Neuropsychological evidence of an integrated visuotactile representation of peripersonal space in humans
E Làdavas, G Pellegrino, A Farnè, G Zeloni
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 10 (5), 581-589, 1998
Shaping multisensory action-space with tools: Evidence from patients with cross-modal extinction
A Farnč, A Iriki, E Lādavas
Neuropsychologia 43 (2), 238-248, 2005
Peripersonal space and body schema: two labels for the same concept?
L Cardinali, C Brozzoli, A Farne
Brain topography 21 (3), 252-260, 2009
Extended multisensory space in blind cane users
A Serino, M Bassolino, A Farne, E Ladavas
Psychological science 18 (7), 642-648, 2007
Parietal rTMS distorts the mental number line: Simulating [] spatial'neglect in healthy subjects
SM Göbel, M Calabria, A Farnč, Y Rossetti
Neuropsychologia 44 (6), 860-868, 2006
Ameliorating neglect with prism adaptation: visuo-manual and visuo-verbal measures
A Farnč, Y Rossetti, S Toniolo, E Lādavas
Neuropsychologia 40 (7), 718-729, 2002
Patterns of spontaneous recovery of neglect and associated disorders in acute right brain-damaged patients
A Farne, LJ Buxbaum, M Ferraro, F Frassinetti, J Whyte, T Veramonti, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 75 (10), 1401-1410, 2004
Left tactile extinction following visual stimulation of a rubber hand
A Farne, F Pavani, F Meneghello, E Ladavas
Brain 123 (11), 2350-2360, 2000
Prism adaptation in the rehabilitation of patients with visuo-spatial cognitive disorders
L Pisella, G Rode, A Farne, C Tilikete, Y Rossetti
Current opinion in neurology 19 (6), 534, 2006
Dissociated long lasting improvements of straight-ahead pointing and line bisection tasks in two hemineglect patients
L Pisella, G Rode, A Farnč, D Boisson, Y Rossetti
Neuropsychologia 40 (3), 327-334, 2002
Tool-use: An open window into body representation and its plasticity
M Martel, L Cardinali, AC Roy, A Farnè
Cognitive neuropsychology 33 (1-2), 82-101, 2016
Action-specific remapping of peripersonal space
C Brozzoli, L Cardinali, F Pavani, A Farnè
Neuropsychologia 48 (3), 796-802, 2010
Peripersonal space: a multisensory interface for body-object interactions
C Brozzoli, TR Makin, L Cardinali, NP Holmes, A Farnè
Taylor & Francis, 2011
Sensing with tools extends somatosensory processing beyond the body
LE Miller, L Montroni, E Koun, R Salemme, V Hayward, A Farnè
Nature 561 (7722), 239-242, 2018
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Articles 1–20