Yasha J. Grobman
Yasha J. Grobman
Associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning. Technion. IIL
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Cited by
Mycelium bio-composites in industrial design and architecture: Comparative review and experimental analysis
N Attias, O Danai, T Abitbol, E Tarazi, N Ezov, I Pereman, YJ Grobman
Journal of Cleaner Production 246, 119037, 2020
Affective response to architecture–investigating human reaction to spaces with different geometry
A Shemesh, R Talmon, O Karp, I Amir, M Bar, YJ Grobman
Architectural Science Review 60 (2), 116-125, 2017
Performalism: form and performance in digital architecture
Y Grobman, E Neuman
Routledge, 2013
Rationalization methods in computer aided fabrication: A critical review
G Austern, IG Capeluto, YJ Grobman
Automation in Construction 90, 281-293, 2018
Implementing bio-design tools to develop mycelium-based products
N Attias, O Danai, E Tarazi, I Pereman, YJ Grobman
The Design Journal 22 (sup1), 1647-1657, 2019
External shading in buildings: comparative analysis of daylighting performance in static and kinetic operation scenarios
YJ Grobman, IG Capeluto, G Austern
Architectural science review 60 (2), 126-136, 2017
Developing novel applications of mycelium based bio-composite materials for design and architecture
N Attias, O Danai, N Ezov, E Tarazi, YJ Grobman
Proceedings of building with biobased materials: best practice and …, 2017
Topological interlocking in buildings: A case for the design and construction of floors
M Weizmann, O Amir, YJ Grobman
Automation in Construction 72, 18-25, 2016
A neurocognitive study of the emotional impact of geometrical criteria of architectural space
A Shemesh, G Leisman, M Bar, YJ Grobman
Architectural Science Review 64 (4), 394-407, 2021
Experimental study of a round jet impinging on a flat surface: flow field and vortex characteristics in the wall jet
R Van Hout, V Rinsky, YG Grobman
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 70, 41-58, 2018
Biofabrication of nanocellulose–mycelium hybrid materials
N Attias, M Reid, SC Mijowska, I Dobryden, M Isaksson, B Pokroy, ...
Advanced Sustainable Systems 5 (2), 2000196, 2021
Topological interlocking in architecture: A new design method and computational tool for designing building floors
M Weizmann, O Amir, YJ Grobman
International journal of architectural computing 15 (2), 107-118, 2017
Computer-based form generation in architectural design—a critical review
YJ Grobman, A Yezioro, IG Capeluto
International Journal of Architectural Computing 7 (4), 535-553, 2009
Non-linear architectural design process
YJ Grobman, A Yezioro, IG Capeluto
International Journal of Architectural Computing 8 (1), 41-53, 2010
The emotional influence of different geometries in virtual spaces: A neurocognitive examination
A Shemesh, G Leisman, M Bar, YJ Grobman
Journal of Environmental Psychology 81, 101802, 2022
A Shemesh, M Bar, YJ Grobman
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Association for …, 2015
Creating ecologically sound buildings by integrating ecology, architecture and computational design
WW Weisser, M Hensel, S Barath, V Culshaw, YJ Grobman, TE Hauck, ...
People and Nature 5 (1), 4-20, 2023
Design and fabrication with fibre-reinforced polymers in architecture: a case for complex geometry
A Blonder, YJ Grobman
Architectural Science Review 59 (4), 257-268, 2016
Autonomous movement of kinetic cladding components in building facades
YJ Grobman, TP Yekutiel
ICoRD'13: Global Product Development, 1051-1061, 2013
Toward multi-species building envelopes: A critical literature review of multi-criteria decision-making for design support
SU Selvan, ST Saroglou, J Joschinski, M Calbi, V Vogler, S Barath, ...
Building and Environment 231, 110006, 2023
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Articles 1–20