Jessie J Peissig
Jessie J Peissig
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Visual object recognition: Do we know more now than we did 20 years ago?
JJ Peissig, MJ Tarr
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 58 (1), 75-96, 2007
Recognizing disguised faces
G Righi, JJ Peissig, MJ Tarr
Visual Cognition 20 (2), 143-169, 2012
The role of surface pigmentation for recognition revealed by contrast reversal in faces and Greebles
QC Vuong, JJ Peissig, MC Harrison, MJ Tarr
Vision research 45 (10), 1213-1223, 2005
Effects of long-term object familiarity on event-related potentials in the monkey
JJ Peissig, J Singer, K Kawasaki, DL Sheinberg
Cerebral Cortex 17 (6), 1323-1334, 2007
Effects of varying stimulus size on object recognition in pigeons.
JJ Peissig, K Kirkpatrick, ME Young, EE Wasserman, I Biederman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 32 (4), 419, 2006
Is region-of-interest overlap comparison a reliable measure of category specificity?
CC Kung, JJ Peissig, MJ Tarr
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 19 (12), 2019-2034, 2007
Seeing things from a different angle: the pigeon's recognition of single geons rotated in depth.
JJ Peissig, ME Young, EA Wasserman, I Biederman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 26 (2), 115, 2000
Who’s behind the makeup? The effects of varying levels of cosmetics application on perceptions of facial attractiveness, competence, and sociosexuality
ER Aguinaldo, JJ Peissig
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 661006, 2021
Discrimination of geons by pigeons: The effects of variations in surface depiction
ME Young, JJ Peissig, EA Wasserman, I Biederman
Animal Learning & Behavior 29, 97-106, 2001
Superordinate categorization via learned stimulus equivalence: quantity of reinforcement, hedonic value, and the nature of the mediator.
SL Astley, JJ Peissig, EA Wasserman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 27 (3), 252, 2001
The role of edges in object recognition by pigeons
JJ Peissig, ME Young, EA Wasserman, I Biederman
Perception 34 (11), 1353-1374, 2005
Learning an object from multiple views enhances its recognition in an orthogonal rotational axis in pigeons
JJ Peissig, EA Wasserman, ME Young, I Biederman
Vision Research 42 (17), 2051-2062, 2002
The pigeon's perception of depth-rotated shapes
JJ Peissig, ME Young, E Wasserman, I Biederman
Picture perception in animals, 37-70, 2013
Children (but not adults) judge similarity in own-and other-race faces by the color of their skin
B Balas, J Peissig, M Moulson
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 130, 56-66, 2015
The relative role of eyes, eyebrows, and eye region in face recognition
C Saavedra, P Smith, J Peissig
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 410-410, 2013
The effects of familiarity on genuine emotion recognition
CM Huynh, GI Vicente, JJ Peissig
Journal of Vision 10 (7), 628-628, 2010
The role of regional contrast changes and asymmetry in facial attractiveness related to cosmetic use
AC Killian, S Mitra, JJ Peissig
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2448, 2018
How faces became special
CM Bukach, JJ Peissig
Perceptual expertise: Bridging brain and behavior, 11-39, 2010
XOR style tasks for testing visual object processing in monkeys
B Anderson, JJ Peissig, J Singer, DL Sheinberg
Vision Research 46 (11), 1804-1815, 2006
Pigeons spontaneously form three-dimensional shape categories
JJ Peissig, ME Young, EA Wasserman, I Biederman
Behavioural processes 158, 70-76, 2019
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Articles 1–20