Kelsey Csumitta
Cited by
Cited by
No intrinsic gender differences in children’s earliest numerical abilities
AJ Kersey, EJ Braham, KD Csumitta, ME Libertus, JF Cantlon
npj Science of Learning 3 (1), 12, 2018
Interactional synchrony and its association with social and communication ability in children with and without autism spectrum disorder
CJ Zampella, KD Csumitta, E Simon, L Bennetto
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50, 3195-3206, 2020
Gender similarities in the brain during mathematics development
AJ Kersey, KD Csumitta, JF Cantlon
npj Science of Learning 4 (1), 19, 2019
The Gender Self-Report: A multidimensional gender characterization tool for gender-diverse and cisgender youth and adults.
JF Strang, GL Wallace, JJ Michaelson, AL Fischbach, TR Thomas, A Jack, ...
American Psychologist, 2023
Updated profiles of everyday executive function in youth with Down syndrome using the BRIEF‐2
KD Csumitta, CM Stephan, RI LaQuaglia, E Miller, NR Lee
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 66 (1-2), 68-80, 2022
Gauging facial feature viewing preference as a stable individual trait in autism spectrum disorder
GE Reimann, C Walsh, KD Csumitta, P McClure, F Pereira, A Martin, ...
Autism research 14 (8), 1670-1683, 2021
Youth with Down syndrome display widespread increased functional connectivity during rest
KD Csumitta, SJ Gotts, LS Clasen, A Martin, NR Lee
Scientific Reports, 2022
Feasibility of Longitudinal Telephone-Based Voice Sampling in Autistic Children and Teens
MR Pelella, A Knox, A Hauptmann, K Tena, AT Hulick, A Russell, ...
INSAR 2023, 2023
Autonomy Supportive Parenting in Down Syndrome and Typical Development: Group Differences and Associations with Executive Function
KD Csumitta
Drexel University, 2022
Brain regions with positive and negative task-evoked responses engage in cooperative rather than competitive interactions
KD Csumitta, A Ossowski, AW Gilmore, SJ Gotts, A Martin
bioRxiv, 687897, 2019
Self-Rated Executive Function Impairments Among Young Adults with Autism Are Associated with Sensory Processing Experiences.
AJ Said, J Crutcher, K Csumitta, L Kenworthy, A Martin, G Wallace
INSAR 2020 Virtual Meeting, 0
2020 Gatlinburg Conference Poster Submission PS-57
KD Csumitta, SJ Gotts, A Martin, NR Lee
Language Skills and Their Cognitive Correlates in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
M Nadeau, J Crutcher, K Csumitta, L Kenworthy, A Martin, G Wallace
INSAR 2020 Virtual Meeting, 0
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Articles 1–13