Sandra Fisher
Sandra Fisher
Münster University of Applied Sciences
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Differential effects of learner effort and goal orientation on two learning outcomes
SL Fisher, JK Ford
Personnel Psychology 51 (2), 397-420, 1998
An evidence-based review of e-HRM and strategic human resource management
JH Marler, SL Fisher
Human resource management review 23 (1), 18-36, 2013
Career self‐management: A quasi‐experimental assessment of the effects of a training intervention
EE Kossek, K Roberts, S Fisher, B Demarr
Personnel psychology 51 (4), 935-960, 1998
Employee self‐service technology acceptance: A comparison of pre‐implementation and post‐implementation relationships
JH Marler, SL Fisher, W Ke
Personnel Psychology 62 (2), 327-358, 2009
Beyond user acceptance: An examination of employee reactions to information technology systems
SL Fisher, AW Howell
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2004
Power to the people: Using learner control to improve trainee reactions and learning in web-based instructional environments.
KA Orvis, SL Fisher, ME Wasserman
Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (4), 960, 2009
Starting from scratch: Understanding the learning outcomes of undergraduate entrepreneurship education
SL Fisher, ME Graham, M Compeau
Entrepreneurial Learning, 335-362, 2008
Human resource issues in outsourcing: Integrating research and practice
SL Fisher, ME Wasserman, PP Wolf, KH Wears
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2008
Guest Editors' Note: Don't miss the boat: Research on HRM and supply chains
SL Fisher, ME Graham, S Vachon, A Vereecke
Human Resource Management 49 (5), 813-828, 2010
Lower cost or just lower value? Modeling the organizational costs and benefits of contingent work
SL Fisher, CE Connelly
Academy of Management Discoveries 3 (2), 165-186, 2017
E-nabled for e-learning? The moderating role of personality in determining the optimal degree of learner control in an e-learning environment
KA Orvis, RC Brusso, ME Wasserman, SL Fisher
Human Performance 24 (1), 60-78, 2010
The transfer of safety training in work organizations: a systems perspective to continuous learning.
JK Ford, S Fisher
Occupational Medicine (Philadelphia, Pa.) 9 (2), 241-259, 1994
The role of training in a changing workplace and workforce: New perspectives and approaches
JK Ford, S Fisher
Managing diversity: Human resource strategies for transforming the workplace …, 1996
Who is an employer in the triangular employment relationship? Sorting through the definitional confusion
KH Wears, SL Fisher
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 24, 159-176, 2012
Trainee reactions to learner control: an important link in the e‐learning equation
SL Fisher, ME Wasserman, KA Orvis
International Journal of Training and Development 14 (3), 198-208, 2010
Learner control and e-learning: Taking stock and moving forward
KG Brown, G Howardson, SL Fisher
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 3 (1 …, 2016
E-HRM systems in support of “smart” workforce management: An exploratory case study of system success
K McDonald, S Fisher, CE Connelly
Electronic HRM in the smart era, 87-108, 2017
Online IO graduate education: Where are we and where should we go?
K Kraiger, S Fisher, R Grossman, MJ Mills, T Sitzmann
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 15 (2), 151-171, 2022
Consumer reactions to potential intrusiveness and benefits of RFID
HE Sill, SL Fisher, ME Wasserman
International Journal of Information Technology and Management 7 (1), 76-97, 2008
Building the “business case” for hiring people with disabilities: A financial cost-benefit analysis methodology and example
SL Fisher, CE Connelly
Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 9 (4), 71-88, 2020
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Articles 1–20