Manjunatha P
Manjunatha P
Professor JNN College of Engineering Shimoga Karnataka
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Multi-sensor data fusion in cluster based wireless sensor networks using fuzzy logic method
P Manjunatha, AK Verma, A Srividya
2008 IEEE region 10 and the third international conference on industrial and …, 2008
SeC‐SDWSN: Secure cluster‐based SDWSN environment for QoS guaranteed routing in three‐tier architecture
VM Vishnu, P Manjunath
International Journal of Communication Systems 32 (14), e4020, 2019
Fuzzy based optimized routing protocol for wireless sensor networks
P Manjunatha, AK Verma, A Srividya
Advances in wireless sensors and sensor networks, 273-282, 2010
Cluster based energy efficient routing protocol for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
GS Prashanth, P Manjunatha
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 35 (21), e7693, 2023
ProSD-EdgeIoT: Protected Cluster assisted SDWSN for Tetrad Edge-IoT by Collaborative DDoS Detection and Mitigation
Cyber-Physical Systems, 1-30, 2021
Automatic image mosaicing using discrete cosine transform
A Chakrasali, P Manjunatha
Proceedings of International Conference on VLSI, Communication, Advanced …, 2013
An Algorithm to Find Minimal Cut-Sets of Complex Network
GS Prashanth, P Manjunatha
Proceedings of International Conference on VLSI, Communication, Advanced …, 2013
Insights on critical energy efficiency approaches in internet-of-things application
SM Sharath, P Manjunatha, HR Shwetha
Int. J. Electr. Comput. Eng 11 (4), 2925-2933, 2021
A Survey of Coverage analysis in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
MCLS 1. Dr. Manjunatha P
International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation 1 (9), 315-318, 2016
Integration of Heuristics-Based Energy Optimal Clustering Topology, Routing and Transmission Scheduling for Enhancing Lifetime in IoT Networks
SM Sharath, P Manjunatha, HR Shwetha
SN Computer Science 4 (4), 367, 2023
SeC‐SDWSN: Secure cluster‐based SDWSN environment for QoS guaranteed routing in three‐tier architecture
VMV Manjunatha. P
Wiley, 1-22, 2019
Experimental Characterization of DWT and CS Compression Algorithms for Multi-Resolution ECG data in WBAN
K Rajashekar Kunabeva , Dr. Manjunatha P , Kirankumar G H 3
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 8 (7 …, 2018
Improved Low Vision Image Enhancement Algorithm (ILVIE) for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network
CLSD Manjunatha P
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 13 (8), 5600-5604, 2018
Energy-Efficient Routing Mechanism For Optimal Selection Of Relay Sensor In WBANS
MP Noor Bahar Khanum Afridi
International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation 2 (8), 112-119, 2017
Compression of Satellite Images based on Adaptive HVS-Scanning Method signals
CLS Shwetha. B. S, Dr. Manjunatha. P
International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation 2 (8), 120-125, 2017
Implementationof Split Signal approach with Multiple Supports of Matching Pursuit for reconstruction of Sparse ECG signals
K Priyanka Heggade B C, Dr. Manjunatha P, Rajashekar
International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation 2 (8), 126-130, 2017
Authenticating the Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks using Synopsis Diffusion Method
M Asha Bai L, Manjunatha P, Sharath
International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation 2 (8), 136-141, 2017
Finding the Most Reliable path of Complex Network and its Reliability Estimation
GS Prashanth, P Manjunatha
Proceedings of the 6th IETE National Conference on RF & Wireless, 131, 2013
Finding the Most Reliable path of Complex Network and its Reliability Estimation
PGS Manjunatha P
Proceedings of the 6th IETE National Conference on RF & Wireless, 09-11 May …, 2013
On modeling the Network Reliability based on Routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
AS Manjunatha. P, Ajit Kumar Verma
An International Journal of Communications in Dependability and …, 2009
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Articles 1–20