Prediction of full load electrical power output of a base load operated combined cycle power plant using machine learning methods P Tüfekci International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 60, 126-140, 2014 | 563 | 2014 |
Local and global learning methods for predicting power of a combined gas & steam turbine H Kaya, P Tüfekci, FS Gürgen Proceedings of the international conference on emerging trends in computer …, 2012 | 177 | 2012 |
Predicting CO and NOx emissions from gas turbines: novel data and a benchmark PEMS H KAYA, P TUFEKCI, E UZUN Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 2019 | 119 | 2019 |
Text classification of web based news articles by using Turkish grammatical features P Tüfekci, E Uzun, B Sevinç 2012 20th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2012 | 25 | 2012 |
A Computational Model for Resolving Pronominal Anaphora in Turkish Using Hobbs-Naïve Algorithm P Tüfekçi, Y Kılıçaslan International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 1 (5), 1402-1405, 2007 | 20 | 2007 |
A novel algorithm for extracting the user reviews from web pages E Uçar, E Uzun, P Tüfekci Journal of Information Science, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Prediction of football match results in turkish super league games P Tüfekci Proceedings of the Second International Afro-European Conference for …, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
A model for predicting drying time period of wool yarn bobbins using computational intelligence techniques U Akyol, P Tüfekci, K Kahveci, A Cihan Textile Research Journal 85 (13), 1367-1380, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
Combined cycle power plant data set. UCI Machine Learning Repository P Tüfekci, H Kaya | 8 | 2014 |
Author detection by using different term weighting schemes P Tüfekci, E Uzun Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2013 21st, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
A syntax-based pronoun resolution system for Turkish P Tüfekçi, Y Kılıçaslan Proceedings of the 6th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium …, 2007 | 8 | 2007 |
Classification-based prediction models for stock price index movement P Tüfekci Intelligent Data Analysis 20 (2), 357-376, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Comparison of a syntax-based and a knowledge-poor pronoun resolution systems for Turkish P Tüfekçi, D Küçük, MT Yöndem, Y Kılıçaslan Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer and Information …, 2007 | 7 | 2007 |
Author and genre identification of Turkish news texts using deep learning algorithms P Tüfekci, M Bektaş Sādhanā 47 (194), 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
Virtual Reality Based 9 Hole Peg Test P Tüfekçi, Hİ Güngör, A Yilmaz 2018 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (Siu …, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Biological gender identification in Turkish news text using deep learning models P Tüfekci, M Bektaş Kösesoy Multimedia Tools and Applications 83 (17), 50669-50689, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Predicting the Direction of Movement for Stock Price Index Using Machine Learning Methods P Tüfekci Proceedings of the Second International Afro-European Conference for …, 2016 | 2 | 2016 |
Derin Öğrenme ile Göğüs Röntgeni Görüntülerinden COVID-19 ve Viral Pnömoni Tespiti P Tüfekci, B Gezici Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 15102, 89-100, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Metin türü belirleme için Türkçe veri setleri. 2 P Tüfekci, E Uzun, M Bektaş, B Sevinç Uluslararası Veri Bilimi ve Uygulamaları Konferansı (ICONDATA'19) 3 (6), 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
Türkçe için sözdizim tabanlı bir adıl çözümleme sistemi P Tüfekçi Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009 | 1 | 2009 |