Wei Qu
Wei Qu
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Calibration of a catchment scale cosmic-ray probe network: A comparison of three parameterization methods
R Baatz, HR Bogena, HJH Franssen, JA Huisman, W Qu, C Montzka, ...
Journal of Hydrology 516, 231-244, 2014
Calibration of a novel low‐cost soil water content sensor based on a ring oscillator
W Qu, HR Bogena, JA Huisman, H Vereecken
Vadose Zone Journal 12 (2), 1-10, 2013
Predicting subgrid variability of soil water content from basic soil information
W Qu, HR Bogena, JA Huisman, J Vanderborght, M Schuh, E Priesack, ...
Geophysical research letters 42 (3), 789-796, 2015
Effects of soil hydraulic properties on the spatial variability of soil water content: Evidence from sensor network data and inverse modeling
W Qu, HR Bogena, JA Huisman, G Martinez, YA Pachepsky, H Vereecken
Vadose Zone Journal 13 (12), 1-12, 2014
High resolution modelling of soil moisture patterns with TerrSysMP: A comparison with sensor network data
S Gebler, HJH Franssen, SJ Kollet, W Qu, H Vereecken
Journal of Hydrology 547, 309-331, 2017
The integrated water balance and soil data set of the Rollesbroich hydrological observatory
W Qu, HR Bogena, JA Huisman, M Schmidt, R Kunkel, A Weuthen, ...
Earth System Science Data 8 (2), 517-529, 2016
Effects of added calcium- based additives on swine manure derived biochar characteristics and heavy metals immobilization
Y Xu, W Qu, B Sun, K Peng, X Zhang, J Xu, F Gao, Y Yan, T Bai
Waste Management 123, 69-79, 2021
Influence of pyrolysis temperature on the properties and environmental safety of heavy metals in chicken manure-derived biochars
T Bai, W Qu, Y Yan, K Ma, Y Xu, X Zhou, Y Chen, Y Xu
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B 55, 941-950, 2020
Calibration of a catchment scale cosmic-ray soil moisture network: A comparison of three different methods
R Baatz, H Bogena, HJ Hendricks-Franssen, JA Huisman, W Qu, ...
Journal of Hydrology 516, 231-244, 2014
Characterization of soil water content variability at the catchment scale using sensor network and stochastic modelling
W Qu
Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2015
High resolution modelling of soil moisture patterns with ParFlow-CLM: Comparison with sensor network data
S Gebler, HJ Hendricks-Franssen, S Kollet, W Qu, H Vereecken
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 446, 2015
Global Sensitivity Analysis of the distributed hydrologic model ParFlow-CLM (V3. 6.0)
W Qu, H Bogena, C Schüth, H Vereecken, Z Li, S Schulz
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 2022, 1-23, 2022
Global Sensitivity Analysis of an integrated parallel hydrologic model: ParFlow-CLM
W Qu, H Bogena, C Schüth, H Vereecken, S Schulz
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-2782, 2022
Multivariate distributions of soil hydraulic parameters
W Qu, Y Pachepsky, JA Huisman, G Martinez, H Bogena, H Vereecken
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6635, 2014
Investigating local controls on temporal stability of soil water content using sensor network data and an inverse modelling approach
W Qu, H Bogena, JA Huisman, G Martinez, YA Pachepsky, H Vereecken
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, H51K-1345, 2013
Investigating local controls on soil moisture temporal stability using an inverse modeling approach
H Bogena, W Qu, S Huisman, H Vereecken
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-7936, 2013
Modelling soil moisture patterns with ParFlow-CLM: A comparison of high resolution model simulations with a sensor network
S Gebler, S Kollet, H Vereecken, HJ Hendricks-Franssen, W Qu
AGU Chapman Conference on Soil-mediated Drivers of Coupled Biogeochemical …, 2013
Temporal stability of soil water content in a small grassland head water catchment in western Germany observed by a wireless sensor network
W Qu, H Bogena, C Montzka, H Vereecken
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6280, 2012
Development of a Non-Linear Measurement Operator for Cosmic Ray Soil Moisture Measurements in a Land Surface Model
R Baatz, HJ Hendricks-Franssen, W Qu, C Montzka, X Han, H Bogena, ...
Catchment Hydrological Modelling and Data Assimilation, 2012
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Articles 1–19