Daran Rudnick
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Cited by
Effect of full and limited irrigation amount and frequency on subsurface drip-irrigated maize evapotranspiration, yield, water use efficiency and yield response factors
S Irmak, K Djaman, DR Rudnick
Irrigation Science 34, 271-286, 2016
Sustainable irrigation based on co-regulation of soil water supply and atmospheric evaporative demand
J Zhang, K Guan, B Peng, M Pan, W Zhou, C Jiang, H Kimm, TE Franz, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 5549, 2021
Challenges and opportunities in precision irrigation decision-support systems for center pivots
J Zhang, K Guan, B Peng, C Jiang, W Zhou, Y Yang, M Pan, TE Franz, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (5), 053003, 2021
Evaluation of variable rate irrigation using a remote-sensing-based model
JB Barker, DM Heeren, CMU Neale, DR Rudnick
Agricultural Water Management 203, 63-74, 2018
Evapotranspiration crop coefficients for mixed riparian plant community and transpiration crop coefficients for Common reed, Cottonwood and Peach-leaf willow in the Platte …
S Irmak, I Kabenge, D Rudnick, S Knezevic, D Woodward, M Moravek
Journal of hydrology 481, 177-190, 2013
Performance assessment of factory and field calibrations for electromagnetic sensors in a loam soil
J Singh, T Lo, DR Rudnick, TJ Dorr, CA Burr, R Werle, TM Shaver, ...
Agricultural Water Management 196, 87-98, 2018
Crop water stress index computation approaches and their sensitivity to soil water dynamics
A Katimbo, DR Rudnick, KC DeJonge, TH Lo, X Qiao, TE Franz, ...
Agricultural Water Management 266, 107575, 2022
The role of topography, soil, and remotely sensed vegetation condition towards predicting crop yield
TE Franz, S Pokal, JP Gibson, Y Zhou, H Gholizadeh, FA Tenorio, ...
Field Crops Research 252, 107788, 2020
Deficit irrigation management of maize in the high plains aquifer region: a review
DR Rudnick, S Irmak, C West, JL Chávez, I Kisekka, TH Marek, ...
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 55 (1), 38-55, 2019
Impact of irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer rate on soil water trends and maize evapotranspiration during the vegetative and reproductive periods
DR Rudnick, S Irmak, K Djaman, V Sharma
Agricultural Water Management 191, 77-84, 2017
Site-specific irrigation management in a sub-humid climate using a spatial evapotranspiration model with satellite and airborne imagery
S Bhatti, DM Heeren, JB Barker, CMU Neale, WE Woldt, MS Maguire, ...
Agricultural Water Management 230, 105950, 2020
Long‐term trend analysis in climate variables and agricultural adaptation strategies to climate change in the Senegal River Basin
K Djaman, AB Balde, DR Rudnick, O Ndiaye, S Irmak
International Journal of Climatology 37 (6), 2873-2888, 2017
Impact of water and nitrogen management strategies on maize yield and water productivity indices under linear-move sprinkler irrigation
DR Rudnick, S Irmak
Transactions of the ASABE 56 (5), 1769-1783, 2013
Performance analysis of capacitance and electrical resistance-type soil moisture sensors in a silt loam soil
DR Rudnick, K Djaman, S Irmak
Transactions of the ASABE 58 (3), 649-665, 2015
Implications of cover crop planting and termination timing on rainfed maize production in semi-arid cropping systems
AT Rosa, CF Creech, RW Elmore, DR Rudnick, JL Lindquist, M Fudolig, ...
Field Crops Research 271, 108251, 2021
Economic return versus crop water productivity of maize for various nitrogen rates under full irrigation, limited irrigation, and rainfed settings in south central Nebraska
D Rudnick, S Irmak, R Ferguson, T Shaver, K Djaman, G Slater, ...
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 142 (6), 04016017, 2016
A 2020 vision of subsurface drip irrigation in the US
FR Lamm, PD Colaizzi, RB Sorensen, JP Bordovsky, M Dougherty, ...
Transactions of the ASABE 64 (4), 1319-1343, 2021
Evaluation of artificial intelligence algorithms with sensor data assimilation in estimating crop evapotranspiration and crop water stress index for irrigation water management
A Katimbo, DR Rudnick, J Zhang, Y Ge, KC DeJonge, TE Franz, Y Shi, ...
Smart Agricultural Technology 4, 100176, 2023
Evaluation of Valiantzas’ simplified forms of the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration model in a humid climate
K Djaman, D Rudnick, VC Mel, D Mutiibwa, L Diop, M Sall, I Kabenge, ...
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 143 (8), 06017005, 2017
Impact of nitrogen fertilizer on maize evapotranspiration crop coefficients under fully irrigated, limited irrigation, and rainfed settings
DR Rudnick, S Irmak
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 140 (12), 04014039, 2014
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Articles 1–20