Shadd Maruna
Cited by
Cited by
Making Good: How Ex-Convicts Reform and Rebuild Their Lives
S Maruna
American Psychological Association, 2001
What have we learned from five decades of neutralization research?
S Maruna, H Copes
Crime and justice 32, 221-320, 2005
The effects of imprisonment
A Liebling, S Maruna
Routledge, 2013
Thechicken and egg'of subjective and social factors in desistance from crime
TP LeBel, R Burnett, S Maruna, S Bushway
European Journal of Criminology 5 (2), 131-159, 2008
A fundamental attribution error? Rethinking cognitive distortions
S Maruna, RE Mann
Legal and Criminological Psychology 11 (2), 155-177, 2006
After crime and punishment
S Maruna, R Immarigeon
Routledge, 2013
Pygmalion in the reintegration process: Desistance from crime through the looking glass
S Maruna, TP Lebel, N Mitchell, M Naples
Psychology, Crime & Law 10 (3), 271-281, 2004
The anatomy of generativity.
DP McAdams, HM Hart, S Maruna
American Psychological Association, 1998
Desistance from crime: A theoretical reformulation
S Maruna, S Farrall
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 43 (2), 171-194, 2004
Amputation or reconstruction? Notes on the concept of “knifing off” and desistance from crime
S Maruna, K Roy
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 23 (1), 104-124, 2007
Reentry as a rite of passage
S Maruna
Punishment & Society 13 (1), 3-28, 2011
Welcome home? Examining the" reentry court" concept from a strengths-based perspective
S Maruna, TP LeBel
W. Criminology Rev. 4, 91, 2002
Why God is often found behind bars: Prison conversions and the crisis of self-narrative
S Maruna, L Wilson, K Curran
Second Chances As Transformative Stories Rhd V3 2&3, 161-184, 2015
Ex-offender reintegration: Theory and practice
S Maruna, R Immarigeon, TP LeBel
After crime and punishment, 3-26, 2013
So ‘prison works’, does it? The criminal careers of 130 men released from prison under Home Secretary, Michael Howard
R Burnett, S Maruna
The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 43 (4), 390-404, 2004
How and why people stop offending: discovering desistance
F McNeill, S Farrall, C Lightowler, S Maruna
Insights evidence summary to support social services in Scotland, 2012
Once a criminal, always a criminal?:‘Redeemability’and the psychology of punitive public attitudes
S Maruna, A King
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 15, 7-24, 2009
The kindness of prisoners: Strengths-based resettlement in theory and in action
R Burnett, S Maruna
Criminology & Criminal Justice 6 (1), 83-106, 2006
Helping others as a response to reconcile a criminal past: The role of the wounded healer in prisoner reentry programs
TP LeBel, M Richie, S Maruna
Criminal justice and behavior 42 (1), 108-120, 2015
An exploration of protective factors supporting desistance from sexual offending
M de Vries Robbé, RE Mann, S Maruna, D Thornton
Sexual Abuse 27 (1), 16-33, 2015
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Articles 1–20