Naomi Vouillamoz
Naomi Vouillamoz
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Characterizing the complexity of microseismic signals at slow-moving clay-rich debris slides: the Super-Sauze (southeastern France) and Pechgraben (Upper Austria) case studies
N Vouillamoz, S Rothmund, M Joswig
Earth Surface Dynamics 6 (2), 525-550, 2018
Optimizing event detection and location in low‐seismicity zones: Case study from Western Switzerland
N Vouillamoz, GH Wust‐Bloch, M Abednego, J Mosar
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 106 (5), 2023-2036, 2016
Mapping slow-moving alpine landslides by UAV—Opportunities and limitations
S Rothmund, N Vouillamoz, M Joswig
The Leading Edge 36 (7), 571-579, 2017
Multi-scale imaging of a slow active fault zone: contribution for improved seismic hazard assessment in the Swiss Alpine foreland
N Vouillamoz, J Mosar, N Deichmann
Swiss Journal of Geosciences 110 (2), 547–563, 2017
3D cartographic modeling of the Alpine arc
N Vouillamoz, C Sue, JD Champagnac, P Calcagno
Tectonophysics 579, 131-143, 2012
Microseismic characterization of Fribourg area (Switzerland) by nanoseismic monitoring
N Vouillamoz
Département de géosciences-Sciences de la terre, Université de Fribourg, 2015
Characterizing the complexity of seismic signals at slow-moving clay-rich debris slides: The Super-Sauze (Southeastern France) and Pechgraben (Upper Austria) case studies …
N Vouillamoz, S Rothmund, M Joswig
Earth Surf. Dyn. Discuss 2017, 1-34, 2017
High resolution seismic survey of the seismicity near Rothenburg and comparison of survey methods
M Joswig, G Mokelke, MŻ Heinrich, B Sick, S Grimm, N Vouillamoz, ...
DGMK Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, 2020
Passive seismic monitoring of propagating seismic sources at Super-Sauze (Southeastern France) and Pechgraben (Upper Austria) clay-rich landslides
N Vouillamoz, S Rothmund, M Joswig
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9636, 2017
Catalogs of micro-seismicity recorded at the Pechgraben landslide (Upper Austria)
F Provost, C Hibert, N Vouillamoz, JP Malet, D Ottowitz, B Jochum
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14490, 2017
Passive seismic monitoring of landslides' creep: Case studies at Super-Sauze (Southeastern France) and Pechgraben (Upper Austria) clay-rich landslides
N Vouillamoz, S Rothmund, M Joswig, JP Malet, B Jochum
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9561, 2017
Characterization of microseismic sequences in North-Western Switzerland using sonograms and waveform similarity analysis
M Luyet, N Vouillamoz, P Blascheck, M Abednego, J Mosar
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-5768, 2016
Seismic monitoring of soft-rock landslides: New case study at Pechgraben mudslide-Upper Austria
N Vouillamoz, JC Santoyo, D Ottowitz, B Jochum, S Pfeiler, R Supper, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-5958, 2016
3D cartography of the Alpine Arc
N Vouillamoz, C Sue, JD Champagnac, P Calcagno
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 5360, 2012
Microzonage Sismique Du Canton de Fribourg: Cartographie Au 1: 25000 Des Sols de Fondation Selon la Norme SIA 261
N Vouillamoz, C Saudan, J Mosar
Département de géosciences, géologie et paléontologie, Université de Fribourg, 2010
Modélisation 3D de l'arc alpin
N Vouillamoz
Patterns of endogenous seismicity at active clay-rich landslides
N Vouillamoz, S Rothmund, M Joswig, B Jochum
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Articles 1–17