Rihab Khalifa
Rihab Khalifa
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
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Transforming audit technologies: Business risk audit methodologies and the audit field
K Robson, C Humphrey, R Khalifa, J Jones
Accounting, Organizations and Society 32 (4-5), 409-438, 2007
The future of interpretive accounting research: A polyphonic debate
T Ahrens, R Khalifa, A Becker, M Habersam, M Piber, T Scheytt, J Burns, ...
Critical perspectives on accounting 19 (6), 840-866, 2008
Discourse and audit change: Transformations in methodology in the professional audit field
R Khalifa, N Sharma, C Humphrey, K Robson
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 20 (6), 825-854, 2007
The impact of regulation on management control: compliance as a strategic response to institutional logics of university accreditation
T Ahrens, R Khalifa
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 12 (2), 106-126, 2015
The governance of accounting academia: issues for a debate
R Khalifa, P Quattrone
European Accounting Review 17 (1), 65-86, 2008
Public value, institutional logics and practice variation during austerity localism at Newcastle City Council
L Ferry, T Ahrens, R Khalifa
Public management review 21 (1), 96-115, 2019
Gender, 2nd edition
The Routledge companion to qualitative accounting research methods, Hoque …, 2017
Researching the lived experience of corporate governance
T Ahrens, R Khalifa
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 10 (1), 4-30, 2013
Gender: The Routledge companion to accounting history, Edwards, John Richard; Walker, Stephen P
L Khalifa R., Kirkham
Routledge, 2009
Intra-professional hierarchies: the gendering of accounting specialisms in UK accountancy
R Khalifa
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 26 (8), 1212-1245, 2013
Gender Responsive Budgeting: A tool for gender equality
R Khalifa, S Scarparo
Critical Perspectives on Accounting 79, 102183, 2021
Gender is not “a dummy variable”: A discussion of current gender research in accounting
K Hardies, R Khalifa
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 15 (3), 385-407, 2018
Field interviews
H Mahama, R Khalifa
The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Accounting Research Methods, 321-338, 2017
The hybridising of financial and service expertise in English local authority budget control: A practice perspective
T Ahrens, L Ferry, R Khalifa
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 15 (3), 341-357, 2018
Governmentality and counter-conduct: A field study of accounting amidst concurrent and competing rationales and programmes
T Ahrens, L Ferry, R Khalifa
Management Accounting Research 48, 100686, 2020
Business risk auditing and the auditing profession: status, identity and fragmentation
C Humphrey, J Jones, R Khalifa, K Robson
CARR/University of Manchester ESRC Workshop on Auditing in Action, London …, 2004
Discourse analysis in accounting research
R Khalifa, H Mahama
The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Accounting Research Methods, 250-264, 2017
Towards a policy model for strengthening the accounting and auditing profession in a fragmented regulatory context: Some preliminary evidence from the UAE
R Khalifa
Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences 28 (1), 39-52, 2012
Accounting specialisms, status hierarchies, and gendered aspects of professionalism: an analysis of professional discourses
R Khalifa
4th Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference, Singapore, 2004
Gendered divisions of expert labour: professional specialisms in UK accountancy
R Khalifa
PQDT-Global, 2004
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Articles 1–20