Idit Keidar
Idit Keidar
Professor, Technion
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Group communication specifications: a comprehensive study
GV Chockler, I Keidar, R Vitenberg
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 33 (4), 427-469, 2001
Trusting the cloud
C Cachin, I Keidar, A Shraer
Acm Sigact News 40 (2), 81-86, 2009
All you need is dag
I Keidar, E Kokoris-Kogias, O Naor, A Spiegelman
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing …, 2021
GPUfs: Integrating a file system with GPUs
M Silberstein, B Ford, I Keidar, E Witchel
Proceedings of the eighteenth international conference on Architectural …, 2013
Byzantine disk paxos: optimal resilience with byzantine shared memory
I Abraham, G Chockler, I Keidar, D Malkhi
Distributed Computing 18, 387-408, 2006
Brahms: Byzantine resilient random membership sampling
E Bortnikov, M Gurevich, I Keidar, G Kliot, A Shraer
Proceedings of the twenty-seventh ACM symposium on Principles of distributed …, 2008
NoC-based FPGA: architecture and routing
R Gindin, I Cidon, I Keidar
First International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS'07), 253-264, 2007
Venus: Verification for untrusted cloud storage
A Shraer, C Cachin, A Cidon, I Keidar, Y Michalevsky, D Shaket
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on Cloud computing security workshop, 19-30, 2010
Do not crawl in the DUST: Different URLs with similar text
Z Bar-Yossef, I Keidar, U Schonfeld
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) 3 (1), 1-31, 2009
On the cost of fault-tolerant consensus when there are no faults: preliminary version
I Keidar, S Rajsbaum
ACM SIGACT News 32 (2), 45-63, 2001
Failure detectors in omission failure environments
D Dolev, R Friedman, I Keidar, D Malkhi
Cornell University, 1996
Dynamic atomic storage without consensus
MK Aguilera, I Keidar, D Malkhi, A Shraer
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 58 (2), 1-32, 2011
Increasing the resilience of distributed and replicated database systems
I Keidar, D Dolev
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 57 (3), 309-324, 1998
Many-core vs. many-thread machines: Stay away from the valley
Z Guz, E Bolotin, I Keidar, A Kolodny, A Mendelson, UC Weiser
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters 8 (1), 25-28, 2009
Keeping denial-of-service attackers in the dark
G Badishi, A Herzberg, I Keidar
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 4 (3), 191-204, 2007
On maintaining multiple versions in STM
D Perelman, R Fan, I Keidar
Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS symposium on Principles of …, 2010
Moshe: A group membership service for WANs
I Keidar, J Sussman, K Marzullo, D Dolev
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS) 20 (3), 191-238, 2002
Impossibility results and lower bounds for consensus under link failures
U Schmid, B Weiss, I Keidar
SIAM Journal on Computing 38 (5), 1912-1951, 2009
Efficient message ordering in dynamic networks
I Keidar, D Dolev
Proceedings of the fifteenth annual ACM symposium on Principles of …, 1996
Scaling concurrent log-structured data stores
G Golan-Gueta, E Bortnikov, E Hillel, I Keidar
Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Computer Systems, 1-14, 2015
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Articles 1–20