Yuval Harpaz
Yuval Harpaz
InnerEye LTD
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Lexical ambiguity resolution in Wernicke's area and its right homologue
Y Harpaz, Y Levkovitz, M Lavidor
Cortex 45 (9), 1097-1103, 2009
A magnetoencephalographic study of face processing: M170, gamma‐band oscillations and source localization
Z Gao, A Goldstein, Y Harpaz, M Hansel, E Zion‐Golumbic, S Bentin
Human brain mapping 34 (8), 1783-1795, 2013
Magnetoencephalographic evidence of early right hemisphere overactivation during metaphor comprehension in schizophrenia
M Zeev‐Wolf, M Faust, Y Levkovitz, Y Harpaz, A Goldstein
Psychophysiology 52 (6), 770-781, 2015
Changes in cerebellar activity and inter-hemispheric coherence accompany improved reading performance following Quadrato Motor Training
TD Ben-Soussan, K Avirame, J Glicksohn, A Goldstein, Y Harpaz, ...
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8, 81, 2014
ERP evidence of hemispheric independence in visual word recognition
D Nemrodov, Y Harpaz, DC Javitt, M Lavidor
Brain and Language 118 (3), 72-80, 2011
Dual array EEG-fMRI: an approach for motion artifact suppression in EEG recorded simultaneously with fMRI
I Klovatch-Podlipsky, T Gazit, F Fahoum, B Tsirelson, S Kipervasser, ...
Neuroimage 142, 674-686, 2016
Neural correlates of attention bias in posttraumatic stress disorder
N Herz, I Reuveni, A Goldstein, T Peri, S Schreiber, Y Harpaz, O Bonne
Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (10), 3268-3276, 2016
Brain-based concealed memory detection is driven mainly by orientation to salient items
N klein Selle, C Gueta, Y Harpaz, LY Deouell, G Ben-Shakhar
cortex 136, 41-55, 2021
Right semantic modulation of early MEG components during ambiguity resolution
Y Harpaz, M Lavidor, A Goldstein
Neuroimage 82, 107-114, 2013
Improving the excess kurtosis (g2) method for localizing epileptic sources in magnetoencephalographic recordings
Y Harpaz, SE Robinson, M Medvedovsky, A Goldstein
Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (5), 889-897, 2015
Neural oscillations while remembering traumatic memories in post-traumatic stress disorder
I Reuveni, N Herz, T Peri, S Schreiber, Y Harpaz, R Geisser, O Bonne, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 139, 58-68, 2022
Localization of beta power decrease as measure for lateralization in pre-surgical language mapping with magnetoencephalography, compared with functional magnetic resonance …
K Herfurth, Y Harpaz, J Roesch, N Mueller, K Walther, M Kaltenhaeuser, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16, 996989, 2022
Brain responses to regular and octave-scrambled melodies: A case of predictive-coding?
E Globerson, R Granot, I Tal, Y Harpaz, M Zeev-Wolf, A Golstein
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43 (3), 487, 2017
Effects of aquatic motor intervention on verbal working memory and brain activity—A pilot study
M Nissim, R Ram‐Tsur, J Glicksohn, M Zion, Z Mevarech, Y Harpaz, ...
Mind, Brain, and Education 12 (2), 90-99, 2018
Active photonic sensing for super-resolved reading performance in simulated prosthetic vision
C Abraham, N Farah, L Gerbi-Zarfati, Y Harpaz, Z Zalvesky, Y Mandel
Biomedical optics express 10 (3), 1081-1096, 2019
Context modulates hemispheric asymmetries in the resolution of lexical ambiguity
Y Harpaz, M Lavidor
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 24 (4), 428-440, 2012
Source localization using virtual magnetoencephalography helmets: A simulation study toward a prior-based tailored scheme
O Arviv, Y Harpaz, E Tsizin, T Benoliel, D Ekstein, M Medvedovsky
Frontiers in Neuroscience 16, 947228, 2022
Source localization scale correction for Beamformer analysis
IS Lots, M Zeev-Wolf, Y Harpaz, M Abeles
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 273, 10-19, 2016
Method and system for quantifying attention
Y Harpaz, AB Geva, LY Deouell, S Vaisman, Y Shalom, M Otsup, ...
US Patent App. 18/023,059, 2023
Clustering of advertising images using electroencephalogram
I Chanpornpakdi, M Noda, T Tanaka, Y Harpaz, AB Geva
2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual …, 2022
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Articles 1–20