Galit Yom-Tov
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Cited by
On Patient Flow in Hospitals: A Data-Based Queueing-Science Perspective
M Armony, S Israelit, A Mandelbaum, YN Marmor, Y Tseytlin, GB Yom-Tov
Stochastic Systems 5 (1), 146-194, 2015
Erlang-R: A time-varying queue with reentrant customers, in support of healthcare staffing
GB Yom-Tov, A Mandelbaum
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 16 (2), 283-299, 2014
The Impact of Delay Announcements on Hospital Network Coordination and Waiting Times
J Dong, E Yom-Tov, GB Yom-Tov
Management Science 65 (5), 1969–1994, 2019, 2019
When to use Speedup: An Examination of Service Systems with Returns
CW Chan, GB Yom-tov, G Escobar
Operations Research 62 (2), 462-482, 2014
Service Systems with Slowdowns: Potential Failures and Proposed Solutions
J Dong, P Feldman, GB Yom-Tov
Operations Research 63 (2), 305-324, 2015
Do customer emotions affect agent speed? An empirical study of emotional load in online customer contact centers
D Altman, GB Yom-Tov, S Ashtar, M Olivares, A Rafaeli
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 23 (4), 854-875, 2021, 2020
Queues in Hospitals: Queueing Networks with ReEntering Customers in the QED Regime (QED = Quality- and Efficiency-Driven)
G Yom-Tov
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Industrial and …, 2010
Customer Sentiment in Web-Based Service Interactions: Automated Analyses and New Insights
GB Yom-Tov, S Ashtar, D Altman, M Natapov, N Barkay, M Westphal, ...
WWW 18 Companion: The 2018 Web Conference Companion, 1689-1697, 2018
Decision control and explanations in human-AI collaboration: Improving user perceptions and compliance
M Westphal, M Vössing, G Satzger, GB Yom-Tov, A Rafaeli
Computers in Human Behavior 144, 107714, 2023
The co-production of service: Modeling services in contact centers using Hawkes processes
A Daw, A Castellanos, GB Yom-Tov, J Pender, L Gruendlinger
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.07861, 2023
A patient-centered information system (myED) for emergency care journeys: design, development, and initial adoption
M Westphal, GB Yom-Tov, A Parush, N Carmeli, A Shaulov, C Shapira, ...
JMIR Formative Research 4 (2), e16410, 2020
When do service employees smile? Response‐dependent emotion regulation in emotional labor
S Ashtar, GB Yom‐Tov, N Akiva, A Rafaeli
Journal of Organizational Behavior 42, 1202–1227, 2021, 2021
Balancing admission control, speedup, and waiting in service systems
GB Yom-Tov, CW Chan
Queueing Systems 97, 163–219, 2021, 2021
Opportunities, Tools, and New Insights: Evidence on Emotions in Service from Analyses of Digital Traces Data
A Rafaeli, GB Yom-Tov, S Ashtar, D Altman
Emotions and Service in the Digital Age (Research on Emotions in …, 2020
An Invitation Control Policy for Proactive Service Systems: Balancing Efficiency, Value and Service Level
GB Yom-Tov, L Yedidsion, Y Xie
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 23 (5), 1077-1095, 2021, 2020
Affect-as-Information: Customer and Employee Affective Displays as Expeditious Predictors of Customer Satisfaction
S Ashtar, GB Yom-Tov, A Rafaeli, J Wirtz
Journal of Service Research, 2023
State-Dependent Estimation of Delay Distributions in Fork-Join Networks
N Carmeli, GB Yom-Tov, OJ Boxma
MSOM 25 (3), 1081-1098, 2023
Silent Abandonment in Contact Centers: Estimating Customer Patience from Uncertain Data
A Castellanos, GB Yom-Tov, Y Goldberg
working paper, 2019
Do customer emotions affect worker speed? an empirical study of emotional load in online customer contact centers
D Altman, S Ashtar, M Olivares, GB Yom-Tov
Manuscript submitted for publication, 2019
The restricted Erlang-R queue: finite-size effects in service systems with returning customers
JSH van Leeuwaarden, BWJ Mathijsen, F Sloothaak, GB Yom-Tov
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.07088, 2016
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Articles 1–20