Eli Galanti
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Cited by
Comparing Jupiter interior structure models to Juno gravity measurements and the role of a dilute core
SM Wahl, WB Hubbard, B Militzer, T Guillot, Y Miguel, N Movshovitz, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (10), 4649-4659, 2017
Jupiter’s atmospheric jet streams extend thousands of kilometres deep
Y Kaspi, E Galanti, WB Hubbard, DJ Stevenson, SJ Bolton, L Iess, ...
Nature 555 (7695), 223-226, 2018
Measurement and implications of Saturn’s gravity field and ring mass
L Iess, B Militzer, Y Kaspi, P Nicholson, D Durante, P Racioppa, ...
Science 364 (6445), eaat2965, 2019
Measurement of Jupiter’s asymmetric gravity field
L Iess, WM Folkner, D Durante, M Parisi, Y Kaspi, E Galanti, T Guillot, ...
Nature 555 (7695), 220-222, 2018
A suppression of differential rotation in Jupiter’s deep interior
T Guillot, Y Miguel, B Militzer, WB Hubbard, Y Kaspi, E Galanti, H Cao, ...
Nature 555 (7695), 227-230, 2018
ENSO’s phase locking to the seasonal cycle in the fast-SST, fast-wave, and mixed-mode regimes
E Galanti, E Tziperman
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 57 (17), 2936-2950, 2000
Nowcasting thunderstorms in the Mediterranean region using lightning data
M Kohn, E Galanti, C Price, K Lagouvardos, V Kotroni
Atmospheric Research 100 (4), 489-502, 2011
Saturn's deep atmospheric flows revealed by the Cassini grand finale gravity measurements
E Galanti, Y Kaspi, Y Miguel, T Guillot, D Durante, P Racioppa, L Iess
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (2), 616-624, 2019
The equatorial thermocline outcropping—A seasonal control on the tropical Pacific ocean–atmosphere instability strength
E Galanti, E Tziperman, M Harrison, A Rosati, R Giering, Z Sirkes
Journal of Climate 15 (19), 2721-2739, 2002
Comparison of the deep atmospheric dynamics of Jupiter and Saturn in light of the Juno and Cassini gravity measurements
Y Kaspi, E Galanti, AP Showman, DJ Stevenson, T Guillot, L Iess, ...
Space Science Reviews 216, 1-27, 2020
Saturn’s fast spin determined from its gravitational field and oblateness
R Helled, E Galanti, Y Kaspi
Nature 520 (7546), 202-204, 2015
On the spatial and temporal distribution of global thunderstorm cells
K Mezuman, C Price, E Galanti
Environmental Research Letters 9 (12), 124023, 2014
A midlatitude–ENSO teleconnection mechanism via baroclinically unstable long Rossby waves
E Galanti, E Tziperman
Journal of physical oceanography 33 (9), 1877-1888, 2003
Jupiter’s inhomogeneous envelope
Y Miguel, M Bazot, T Guillot, S Howard, E Galanti, Y Kaspi, WB Hubbard, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 662, A18, 2022
Juno spacecraft measurements of Jupiter’s gravity imply a dilute core
B Militzer, WB Hubbard, S Wahl, JI Lunine, E Galanti, Y Kaspi, Y Miguel, ...
The planetary science journal 3 (8), 185, 2022
Theory of Figures to the Seventh Order and the Interiors of Jupiter and Saturn
N Nettelmann, N Movshovitz, D Ni, JJ Fortney, E Galanti, Y Kaspi, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 2 (6), 241, 2021
A study of ENSO prediction using a hybrid coupled model and the adjoint method for data assimilation
E Galanti, E Tziperman, M Harrison, A Rosati, Z Sirkes
Monthly weather review 131 (11), 2748-2764, 2003
A full, self-consistent treatment of thermal wind balance on oblate fluid planets
E Galanti, Y Kaspi, E Tziperman
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 810, 175-195, 2017
Combined magnetic and gravity measurements probe the deep zonal flows of the gas giants
E Galanti, Y Kaspi
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501 (2), 2352-2362, 2021
Microwave observations reveal the deep extent and structure of Jupiter’s atmospheric vortices
SJ Bolton, SM Levin, T Guillot, C Li, Y Kaspi, G Orton, MH Wong, ...
Science 374 (6570), 968-972, 2021
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Articles 1–20