Avner Yanai
Avner Yanai
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Demonstration of nanofocusing by the use of plasmonic lens illuminated with radially polarized light
GM Lerman, A Yanai, U Levy
Nano letters 9 (5), 2139-2143, 2009
Plasmonic focusing with a coaxial structure illuminated by radially polarized light
A Yanai, U Levy
Optics Express 17 (2), 924-932, 2009
Near-and far-field properties of plasmonic oligomers under radially and azimuthally polarized light excitation
A Yanai, M Grajower, GM Lerman, M Hentschel, H Giessen, U Levy
Acs Nano 8 (5), 4969-4974, 2014
Efficient coupling and field enhancement for the nano-scale: plasmonic needle
A Normatov, P Ginzburg, N Berkovitch, GM Lerman, A Yanai, U Levy, ...
Optics Express 18 (13), 14079-14086, 2010
Enhanced efficiency of thin film solar cells using a shifted dual grating plasmonic structure
R Chriki, A Yanai, J Shappir, U Levy
Optics express 21 (103), A382-A391, 2013
Plasmonic resonance effects for tandem receiving-transmitting nanoantennas
P Ginzburg, A Nevet, N Berkovitch, A Normatov, GM Lerman, A Yanai, ...
Nano letters 11 (1), 220-224, 2011
Subwavelength plasmonics for graded-index optics on a chip
M Grajower, GM Lerman, I Goykhman, B Desiatov, A Yanai, DR Smith, ...
Optics Letters 38 (18), 3492-3495, 2013
Demonstration of an elliptical plasmonic lens illuminated with radially–like polarized field
GM Lerman, A Yanai, N Ben-Yosef, U Levy
Optics Express 18 (10), 10871-10877, 2010
The role of short and long range surface plasmons for plasmonic focusing applications
A Yanai, U Levy
Optics Express 17 (16), 14270-14280, 2009
Light transmission through a circular metallic grating under broadband radial and azimuthal polarization illumination
GM Lerman, M Grajower, A Yanai, U Levy
Optics letters 36 (20), 3972-3974, 2011
Tunability of reflection and transmission spectra of two periodically corrugated metallic plates, obtained by control of the interactions between plasmonic and photonic modes
A Yanai, U Levy
JOSA B 27 (8), 1523-1529, 2010
Absorption and eigenmode calculation for one-dimensional periodic metallic structures using the hydrodynamic approximation
A Yanai, NA Mortensen, U Levy
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (20), 205120, 2013
Giant resonance absorption in ultra-thin metamaterial periodic structures
A Yanai, M Orenstein, U Levy
Optics Express 20 (4), 3693-3702, 2012
Radiation of a uniformly moving line charge in a zero-index metamaterial and other periodic media
A Yanai, U Levy
Optics Express 20 (16), 18515-18524, 2012
Subdiffraction-limited imaging based on longitudinal modes in a spatially dispersive slab
A Yanai, U Levy
Physical Review B 90 (7), 075107, 2014
Nano-coupling and enhancement in plasmonic conical needle
A Normatov, N Berkovitch, P Ginzburg, GM Lerman, A Yanai, U Levy, ...
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QThH2, 2010
Giant resonance and absorption in ultrathin metamaterial
A Yanai, M Orenstein, U Levy
2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2012
Field enhancement by efficient nano-coupling to plasmonic conical needle
P Ginzburg, N Berkovitch, A Normatov, GM Lerman, A Yanai, U Levy, ...
Frontiers in Optics, FWN6, 2010
Sub-diffraction limited imaging with a spatially dispersive slab
A Yanai, U Levy
2014 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)-Laser Science to …, 2014
Spatial and Spectral Control Over Plasmonic and Metamaterial Based Nano-strauctures
A Yanai
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2014
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Articles 1–20