Graciela Vujovich
Graciela Vujovich
Principal Research at IDEAN (UBA-CONICET)
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Pampia: a large cratonic block missing in the Rodinia supercontinent
VA Ramos, G Vujovich, R Martino, J Otamendi
Journal of Geodynamics 50 (3-4), 243-255, 2010
Time constraints on the Early Palaeozoic docking of the Precordillera, central Argentina
VA Ramos, RD Dallmeyer, G Vujovich
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 142 (1), 143-158, 1998
Generation of tonalitic and dioritic magmas by coupled partial melting of gabbroic and metasedimentary rocks within the deep crust of the Famatinian magmatic arc, Argentina
JE Otamendi, MN Ducea, AM Tibaldi, GW Bergantz, JD de la Rosa, ...
Journal of Petrology 50 (5), 841-873, 2009
Age constraints on the tectonic evolution and provenance of the Pie de Palo Complex, Cuyania composite terrane, and the Famatinian Orogeny in the Sierra de Pie de Palo, San …
GI Vujovich, CR van Staal, W Davis
Gondwana Research 7 (4), 1041-1056, 2004
The geodynamics of collision of a microplate (Chilenia) in Devonian times deduced by the pressure–temperature–time evolution within part of a collisional belt (Guarguaraz …
AP Willner, A Gerdes, HJ Massonne, A Schmidt, M Sudo, SN Thomson, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 162, 303-327, 2011
Proterozoic-early Paleozoic ophiolites of the Andean basement of southern South America
VA Ramos, M Escayola, DI Mutti, GI Vujovich
Petrology and SHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronology of Cordilleran granitoids of the Bariloche area, Argentina
A Castro, I Moreno-Ventas, C Fernández, G Vujovich, G Gallastegui, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 32 (4), 508-530, 2011
Detrital zircon analysis from the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian sedimentary cover (Cuyania terrane), Sierra de Pie de Palo, Argentina: Evidence of a rift and passive margin system?
M Naipauer, GI Vujovich, CA Cingolani, WC McClelland
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29 (2), 306-326, 2010
A Laurentian? Grenville-age oceanic arc/back-arc terrane in the Sierra de Pie de Palo, Western Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina
GI Vujovich, SM Kay
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 142 (1), 159-179, 1998
Edades preliminares de circones del basamento de la Sierra de Pie de Palo, Sierras Pampeanas Occidentales de San Juan: sus implicancias para el supercontinente proterozoico de …
MR McDonough, VA Ramos, CE Isachsen, SA Bowring, GI Vujovich
Congreso Geológico Argentino, 340-342, 1993
Metamorphic evolution of migmatites from the deep Famatinian arc crust exposed in Sierras Valle Fértil–La Huerta, San Juan, Argentina
JE Otamendi, AM Tibaldi, GI Vujovich, GA Viñao
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (3), 313-335, 2008
Geology and petrology of a deep crustal zone from the Famatinian paleo-arc, Sierras de Valle Fértil and La Huerta, San Juan, Argentina
JE Otamendi, GI Vujovich, JD de la Rosa, AM Tibaldi, A Castro, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 27 (4), 258-279, 2009
Intraplate Late Jurassic deformation and exhumation in western central Argentina: constraints from surface data and U–Pb detrital zircon ages
M Naipauer, EG Morabito, JC Marques, M Tunik, EAR Vera, GI Vujovich, ...
Tectonophysics 524, 59-75, 2012
Los klippes y ventanas tectónicas preándicas de la Sierra de Pie de Palo (San Juan): edad e implicaciones tectónicas
VA Ramos, GI Vujovich, RD Dallmeyer
Congreso Geológico Argentino, 377-391, 1996
Structural evolution of a composite middle to lower crustal section: The Sierra de Pie de Palo, northwest Argentina
SR Mulcahy, SM Roeske, WC McClelland, F Jourdan, A Iriondo, ...
Tectonics 30 (1), 2011
U–Pb detrital zircon ages of Upper Jurassic continental successions: implications for the provenance and absolute age of the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary in the Neuquén Basin
M Naipauer, M Tunik, JC Marques, EA Rojas Vera, GI Vujovich, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 399 (1), 131-154, 2015
Hoja Geologica 3169-IV San Juan
VA Ramos, GI Vujovich, R Cardó, L Pérez, R Pelichotti, MC Godeas, ...
Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales, 2000
Multiple migmatite events and cooling from granulite facies metamorphism within the Famatina arc margin of northwest Argentina
SR Mulcahy, SM Roeske, WC McClelland, JR Ellis, F Jourdan, PR Renne, ...
Tectonics 33 (1), 1-25, 2014
La orogénesis de Grenville en las Sierras Pampeanas Occidentales: la Sierra de Pie de Palo y su integración al supercontinente proterozoico
VA Ramos, G Vujovich, SM Kay, MR McDonough
XII Congr. Geol. Argent. Actas 3, 343-57, 1993
An Alpine-style Ordovician collision complex in the Sierra de Pie de Palo, Argentina: Record of subduction of Cuyania beneath the Famatina arc
CR Van Staal, GI Vujovich, KL Currie, M Naipauer
Journal of Structural Geology 33 (3), 343-361, 2011
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Articles 1–20