Randal Beard
Randal Beard
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Brigham Young University
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Consensus seeking in multiagent systems under dynamically changing interaction topologies
W Ren, RW Beard
IEEE Transactions on automatic control 50 (5), 655-661, 2005
Distributed consensus in multi-vehicle cooperative control
W Ren, RW Beard
Springer London 27 (2), 71-82, 2008
Information consensus in multivehicle cooperative control
W Ren, RW Beard, EM Atkins
IEEE Control systems magazine 27 (2), 71-82, 2007
Small unmanned aircraft: Theory and practice
RW Beard, TW McLain
Princeton university press, 2012
A survey of consensus problems in multi-agent coordination
W Ren, RW Beard, EM Atkins
Proceedings of the 2005, American Control Conference, 2005., 1859-1864, 2005
Consensus algorithms for double-integrator dynamics
W Ren, RW Beard
Distributed Consensus in Multi-vehicle Cooperative Control: Theory and …, 2008
A coordination architecture for spacecraft formation control
RW Beard, J Lawton, FY Hadaegh
IEEE Transactions on control systems technology 9 (6), 777-790, 2001
A decentralized approach to formation maneuvers
JRT Lawton, RW Beard, BJ Young
IEEE transactions on robotics and automation 19 (6), 933-941, 2003
Coordinated target assignment and intercept for unmanned air vehicles
RW Beard, TW McLain, MA Goodrich, EP Anderson
IEEE transactions on robotics and automation 18 (6), 911-922, 2003
Decentralized scheme for spacecraft formation flying via the virtual structure approach
W Ren, RW Beard
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 27 (1), 73-82, 2004
Galerkin approximations of the generalized Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation
RW Beard, GN Saridis, JT Wen
Automatica 33 (12), 2159-2177, 1997
Vector field path following for miniature air vehicles
DR Nelson, DB Barber, TW McLain, RW Beard
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 23 (3), 519-529, 2007
Cooperative forest fire surveillance using a team of small unmanned air vehicles
DW Casbeer, DB Kingston, RW Beard, TW McLain
International journal of systems science 37 (6), 351-360, 2006
Decentralized cooperative aerial surveillance using fixed-wing miniature UAVs
RW Beard, TW McLain, DB Nelson, D Kingston, D Johanson
Proceedings of the IEEE 94 (7), 1306-1324, 2006
Forest fire monitoring with multiple small UAVs
DW Casbeer, RW Beard, TW McLain, SM Li, RK Mehra
Proceedings of the 2005, American Control Conference, 2005., 3530-3535, 2005
Coordination variables and consensus building in multiple vehicle systems
W Ren, RW Beard, TW McLain
Cooperative Control: A Post-Workshop Volume 2003 Block Island Workshop on …, 2005
Synchronized multiple spacecraft rotations
JR Lawton, RW Beard
Automatica 38 (8), 1359-1364, 2002
Autonomous vehicle technologies for small fixed-wing UAVs
R Beard, D Kingston, M Quigley, D Snyder, R Christiansen, W Johnson, ...
Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication 2 (1), 92-108, 2005
Formation feedback control for multiple spacecraft via virtual structures
W Ren, RW Beard
IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications 151 (3), 357-368, 2004
Multiple UAV cooperative search under collision avoidance and limited range communication constraints
RW Beard, TW McLain
42nd IEEE international conference on decision and control (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
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Articles 1–20