Xing Tan
Xing Tan
Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Lakehead University, Canada
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Cited by
LPSSE: Lightweight phrase search with symmetric searchable encryption in cloud storage
M Li, W Jia, C Guo, W Sun, X Tan
2015 12th international conference on information technology-new generations …, 2015
Using first-order logic to represent clinical practice guidelines and to mitigate adverse interactions
S Wilk, M Michalowski, X Tan, W Michalowski
Knowledge Representation for Health Care: 6th International Workshop, KR4HC …, 2014
Multi-objective optimization for multi-task allocation in mobile crowd sensing
M Li, Y Gao, M Wang, C Guo, X Tan
Procedia Computer Science 155, 360-368, 2019
AD‐ASGKA–authenticated dynamic protocols for asymmetric group key agreement
M Li, X Xu, C Guo, X Tan
Security and Communication Networks 9 (11), 1340-1352, 2016
First-order logic theory for manipulating clinical practice guidelines applied to comorbid patients: a case study
M Michalowski, S Wilk, X Tan, W Michalowski
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2014, 892, 2014
A verifiable e-voting scheme with secret sharing
L Yuan, M Li, C Guo, W Hu, X Tan
2015 IEEE 16th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT …, 2015
SCOPE: A Situation Calculus Ontology of Petri nets
X Tan
Formal Ontology in Information Systems: Proceedings of the Sixth …, 2010
The Application of Ontologies to Reasoning with Process Modeling Formalisms
X Tan
University of Toronto, Ph.D. Thesis, 2012
Personalized pre-trust reputation management in social P2P network
M Li, Q Guan, X Jin, C Guo, X Tan, Y Gao
2016 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications …, 2016
A stakeholder analysis of interoperable data architecture: The case of I-Choose
DS Sayogo, H Jarman, A Whitmore, GK Tayi, J Zhang, J Hrdinova, ...
Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Digital …, 2012
The complexity of partial-order plan viability problems
X Tan, M Gruninger
ICAPS-2014, 307-313, 2014
Identity-based broadcast encryption schemes for open networks
M Li, X Xu, R Zhuang, C Guo, X Tan
2015 Ninth International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and …, 2015
On Computational Complexity of Pickup-and-Delivery Problems with Precedence Constraints or Time Windows
X Tan, J Huang
IJCAI-2019, 5635-5643, 2019
Ranking documents through stochastic sampling on bayesian network-based models: A Pilot Study
X Tan, JX Huang, A An
39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in …, 2016
Towards a formal representation of clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of comorbid patients
X Tan
2013 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 578-583, 2013
Go beyond the SCOPE: A temporal situation calculus-based software tool for time petri nets
X Tan
Advanced Research in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 25th International …, 2012
On the computational complexity of the reachability problem in UML activity diagrams
X Tan, M Gruninger
2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent …, 2009
A Best Match KNN-based Approach for Large-scale Product Categorization.
H Hu, R Zhu, Y Wang, W Feng, X Tan, JX Huang
eCOM@ SIGIR, 15, 2018
A novel reputation management mechanism with forgiveness in P2P file sharing networks
M Li, J Wang, K Lu, C Guo, X Tan
Procedia Computer Science 94, 360-365, 2016
An ontological and hierarchical approach for supply chain event aggregation
X Tan, GK Tayi
IEEE 9th International Conference on Semantic Computing (IEEE ICSC 2015 …, 2015
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Articles 1–20