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Brian Raue
Brian Raue
ëúåáú àéîééì îàåîúú áãåîééï fiu.edu - ãó äáéú
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CMS physics technical design report, volume II: physics performanceþ
CMS collaborationþ
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 34 (6), 995, 2007þ
CMS technical design report, volume II: Physics performanceþ
GL Bayatianþ
J. Phys. G 34 (CERN-LHCC-2006-021; CMS-TDR-008-2; FERMILAB-CONF-07-831-CMS), 2007þ
Ratio by Polarization Transfer in þ
MK Jones, KA Aniol, FT Baker, J Berthot, PY Bertin, W Bertozzi, A Besson, ...þ
Physical review letters 84 (7), 1398, 2000þ
Measurement of in to þ
O Gayou, KA Aniol, T Averett, F Benmokhtar, W Bertozzi, L Bimbot, ...þ
Physical review letters 88 (9), 092301, 2002þ
The CEBAF large acceptance spectrometer (CLAS)þ
BA Mecking, G Adams, S Ahmad, E Anciant, M Anghinolfi, B Asavapibhop, ...þ
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2003þ
Measurements of the proton and deuteron spin structure functions and þ
K Abe, T Akagi, PL Anthony, R Antonov, RG Arnold, T Averett, HR Band, ...þ
Physical Review D 58 (11), 112003, 1998þ
Observation of an Exotic Baryon in Exclusive Photoproduction from the Deuteronþ
S Stepanyan, K Hicks, DS Carman, E Pasyuk, RA Schumacher, ES Smith, ...þ
Physical Review Letters 91 (25), 252001, 2003þ
Precision Determination of the Neutron Spin Structure Function þ
K Abe, T Akagi, BD Anderson, PL Anthony, RG Arnold, T Averett, ...þ
Physical Review Letters 79 (1), 26, 1997þ
Proton elastic form factor ratios to by polarization transferþ
V Punjabi, CF Perdrisat, KA Aniol, FT Baker, J Berthot, PY Bertin, ...þ
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 71 (5), 055202, 2005þ
Precision Measurement of the Proton Spin Structure Function þ
K Abe, T Akagi, PL Anthony, R Antonov, RG Arnold, T Averett, HR Band, ...þ
Physical Review Letters 74 (3), 346, 1995þ
Observation of exclusive deeply virtual Compton scattering in polarized electron beam asymmetry measurementsþ
S Stepanyan, VD Burkert, L Elouadrhiri, GS Adams, E Anciant, ...þ
Physical Review Letters 87 (18), 182002, 2001þ
Measurements of the Q2-dependence of the proton and neutron spin structure functions g1p and g1nþ
PL Anthony, RG Arnold, T Averett, HR Band, MC Berisso, H Borel, ...þ
Physics Letters B 493 (1-2), 19-28, 2000þ
Precision Measurement of the Deuteron Spin Structure Function þ
K Abe, T Akagi, PL Anthony, R Antonov, RG Arnold, T Averett, HR Band, ...þ
Physical Review Letters 75 (1), 25, 1995þ
Observation of an Exotic Baryon with in Photoproduction from the Protonþ
V Kubarovsky, L Guo, DP Weygand, P Stoler, M Battaglieri, R DeVita, ...þ
Physical review letters 92 (3), 032001, 2004þ
Differential cross sections for for Λ and hyperonsþ
R Bradford, RA Schumacher, JWC McNabb, L Todor, G Adams, ...þ
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 73 (3), 035202, 2006þ
Measurement of two-and three-nucleon short-range correlation probabilities in nucleiþ
KS Egiyan, NB Dashyan, MM Sargsian, MI Strikman, LB Weinstein, ...þ
Physical review letters 96 (8), 082501, 2006þ
Electroexcitation of nucleon resonances from CLAS data on single pion electroproductionþ
IG Aznauryan, VD Burkert, AS Biselli, H Egiyan, K Joo, W Kim, K Park, ...þ
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 80 (5), 055203, 2009þ
Dependence of Quadrupole Strength in the Transitionþ
K Joo, LC Smith, VD Burkert, R Minehart, IG Aznauryan, L Elouadrhiri, ...þ
Physical review letters 88 (12), 122001, 2002þ
The CLAS drift chamber systemþ
MD Mestayer, DS Carman, B Asavapibhop, FJ Barbosa, P Bonneau, ...þ
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2000þ
Measurement of Deeply virtual Compton scattering beam-spin asymmetriesþ
FX Girod, RA Niyazov, H Avakian, J Ball, I Bedlinskiy, VD Burkert, ...þ
Physical review letters 100 (16), 162002, 2008þ
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