Euroscepticism and education: A longitudinal study of 12 EU member states, 1973–2010 A Hakhverdian, E Van Elsas, W Van der Brug, T Kuhn European Union Politics 14 (4), 522-541, 2013 | 299 | 2013 |
Radical distinction: Support for radical left and radical right parties in Europe M Rooduijn, B Burgoon, EJ Van Elsas, HG Van de Werfhorst European Union Politics 18 (4), 536-559, 2017 | 230 | 2017 |
The changing relationship between left–right ideology and euroscepticism, 1973–2010 E Van Elsas, W Van Der Brug European Union Politics 16 (2), 194-215, 2015 | 186 | 2015 |
United against a common foe? The nature and origins of Euroscepticism among left-wing and right-wing citizens EJ Van Elsas, A Hakhverdian, W Van der Brug West European Politics 39 (6), 1181-1204, 2016 | 177 | 2016 |
An ever wider gap in an ever closer union: Rising inequalities and euroscepticism in 12 West European democracies, 1975–2009 T Kuhn, E Van Elsas, A Hakhverdian, W van der Brug Socio-Economic Review 14 (1), 27-45, 2016 | 148 | 2016 |
Are volatile voters erratic, whimsical or seriously picky? A panel study of 58 waves into the nature of electoral volatility (The Netherlands 2006–2010) TWG Van der Meer, E Van Elsas, R Lubbe, W Van der Brug Party politics 21 (1), 100-114, 2015 | 113 | 2015 |
Practising what you preach: How cosmopolitanism promotes willingness to redistribute across the European Union T Kuhn, H Solaz, EJ van Elsas Journal of European public policy 25 (12), 1759-1778, 2018 | 111 | 2018 |
Bounded volatility in the Dutch electoral battlefield: A panel study on the structure of changing vote intentions in the Netherlands during 2006–2010 T Van der Meer, R Lubbe, E Van Elsas, M Elff, W Van Der Brug Acta Politica 47, 333-355, 2012 | 94 | 2012 |
Political trust as a rational attitude: A comparison of the nature of political trust across different levels of education E Van Elsas Political Studies 63 (5), 1158-1178, 2015 | 77 | 2015 |
Vote recall: A panel study on the mechanisms that explain vote recall inconsistency EJ Van Elsas, R Lubbe, TWG Van Der Meer, W Van Der Brug International Journal of Public Opinion Research 26 (1), 18-40, 2014 | 66 | 2014 |
Mistake or manipulation? Conceptualizing perceived mis-and disinformation among news consumers in 10 European countries M Hameleers, A Brosius, F Marquart, AC Goldberg, E Van Elsas, ... Communication Research 49 (7), 919-941, 2022 | 64 | 2022 |
How media shape political trust: News coverage of immigration and its effects on trust in the European Union A Brosius, EJ van Elsas, CH de Vreese European Union Politics 20 (3), 447-467, 2019 | 62 | 2019 |
Knowing is not loving: media effects on knowledge about and attitudes toward the EU F Marquart, AC Goldberg, EJ Van Elsas, A Brosius, CH de Vreese Journal of European Integration 41 (5), 641-655, 2019 | 54 | 2019 |
Trust in the European Union: Effects of the information environment A Brosius, EJ Van Elsas, CH de Vreese European journal of communication 34 (1), 57-73, 2019 | 53 | 2019 |
Ethnic minorities and educational systems in ten Western countries: Migration flows, policies and institutional differences L Lessard-Phillips, F Fleischman, E Van Elsas, A Heath, Y Brinbaum Unequal attainments, 25-61, 2014 | 33 | 2014 |
Trust in context: National heuristics and survey context effects on political trust in the European Union A Brosius, EJ van Elsas, CH de Vreese European Union Politics 21 (2), 294-311, 2020 | 30 | 2020 |
Mismatch? Comparing elite and citizen polarisation on EU issues across four countries AC Goldberg, EJ van Elsas, CH de Vreese Domestic Contestation of the European Union, 150-168, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
Origin and destination effects on the educational careers of second-generation minorities HG Van De Werfhorst, E Van Elsas, A Heath OxfordOxford University Press, 2014 | 27 | 2014 |
Bad news, declining trust? Effects of exposure to economic news on trust in the European Union A Brosius, EJ van Elsas, CH de Vreese International Journal of Public Opinion Research 32 (2), 223-242, 2020 | 26 | 2020 |
How political malpractice affects trust in EU institutions EJ Van Elsas, A Brosius, F Marquart, CH De Vreese West European Politics 43 (4), 944-968, 2020 | 25 | 2020 |