Professor Dr. Dr. (h.c.) Marilyn A. Huestis
Professor Dr. Dr. (h.c.) Marilyn A. Huestis
Thomas Jefferson University, President, Huestis & Smith Toxicology, LLC
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Cited by
Human cannabinoid pharmacokinetics
MA Huestis
Chemistry & biodiversity 4 (8), 1770, 2007
Neuropsychological performance in long-term cannabis users
HG Pope, AJ Gruber, JI Hudson, MA Huestis, D Yurgelun-Todd
Archives of general psychiatry 58 (10), 909-915, 2001
Synthetic cannabinoids: epidemiology, pharmacodynamics, and clinical implications
MS Castaneto, DA Gorelick, NA Desrosiers, RL Hartman, S Pirard, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 144, 12-41, 2014
Cannabis effects on driving skills
RL Hartman, MA Huestis
Clinical chemistry 59 (3), 478-492, 2013
Early-onset cannabis use and cognitive deficits: what is the nature of the association?
HG Pope Jr, AJ Gruber, JI Hudson, G Cohane, MA Huestis, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 69 (3), 303-310, 2003
Matrix effect in bio-analysis of illicit drugs with LC-MS/MS: influence of ionization type, sample preparation, and biofluid
R Dams, MA Huestis, WE Lambert, CM Murphy
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 14 (11), 1290-1294, 2003
Blood cannabinoids. I. Absorption of THC and formation of 11-OH-THC and THCCOOH during and after smoking marijuana
MA Huestis, JE Henningfield, EJ Cone
Journal of analytical Toxicology 16 (5), 276-282, 1992
Reversible and regionally selective downregulation of brain cannabinoid CB1 receptors in chronic daily cannabis smokers
J Hirvonen, RS Goodwin, CT Li, GE Terry, SS Zoghbi, C Morse, VW Pike, ...
Molecular psychiatry 17 (6), 642-649, 2012
Blockade of effects of smoked marijuana by the CB1-selective cannabinoid receptor antagonist SR141716
MA Huestis, DA Gorelick, SJ Heishman, KL Preston, RA Nelson, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 58 (4), 322-328, 2001
Oral fluid testing for drugs of abuse
WM Bosker, MA Huestis
Clinical chemistry 55 (11), 1910-1931, 2009
Cannabidiol adverse effects and toxicity
MA Huestis, R Solimini, S Pichini, R Pacifici, J Carlier, FP Busarḍ
Current neuropharmacology 17 (10), 974-989, 2019
Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism of the Plant Cannabinoids, Δ 9-Tetrahydrocannibinol, Cannabidiol and Cannabinol
MA Huestis
Cannabinoids, 657-690, 2005
The Maternal Lifestyle Study: drug use by meconium toxicology and maternal self-report
BM Lester, M ElSohly, LL Wright, VL Smeriglio, J Verter, CR Bauer, ...
Pediatrics 107 (2), 309-317, 2001
Buprenorphine versus methadone in the treatment of pregnant opioid-dependent patients: effects on the neonatal abstinence syndrome
HE Jones, RE Johnson, DR Jasinski, KE O’Grady, CA Chisholm, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 79 (1), 1-10, 2005
The infant development, environment, and lifestyle study: effects of prenatal methamphetamine exposure, polydrug exposure, and poverty on intrauterine growth
LM Smith, LL LaGasse, C Derauf, P Grant, R Shah, A Arria, M Huestis, ...
Pediatrics 118 (3), 1149-1156, 2006
Methamphetamine and amphetamine pharmacokinetics in oral fluid and plasma after controlled oral methamphetamine administration to human volunteers
RJF Schepers, JM Oyler, RE Joseph Jr, EJ Cone, ET Moolchan, ...
Clinical chemistry 49 (1), 121-132, 2003
Cannabis effects on driving lateral control with and without alcohol
RL Hartman, TL Brown, G Milavetz, A Spurgin, RS Pierce, DA Gorelick, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 154, 25-37, 2015
Plasma Cannabinoid Pharmacokinetics following Controlled Oral Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Oromucosal Cannabis Extract Administration
EL Karschner, WD Darwin, RS Goodwin, S Wright, MA Huestis
Clinical chemistry 57 (1), 66-75, 2011
Relationship of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol concentrations in oral fluid and plasma after controlled administration of smoked cannabis
MA Huestis, EJ Cone
Journal of analytical toxicology 28 (6), 394-399, 2004
Methamphetamine and other substance use during pregnancy: preliminary estimates from the Infant Development, Environment, and Lifestyle (IDEAL) study
AM Arria, C Derauf, LL LaGasse, P Grant, R Shah, L Smith, W Haning, ...
Maternal and child health journal 10, 293-302, 2006
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Articles 1–20