Joshua Horn
Joshua Horn
Former Graduate Student, University of Rochester
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Cited by
Simulating the mechanism of antimicrobial lipopeptides with all-atom molecular dynamics
JN Horn, TD Romo, A Grossfield
Biochemistry 52 (33), 5604-5610, 2013
Characterization of a potent antimicrobial lipopeptide via coarse-grained molecular dynamics
JN Horn, JD Sengillo, D Lin, TD Romo, A Grossfield
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1818 (2), 212-218, 2012
Interactions between fengycin and model bilayers quantified by coarse-grained molecular dynamics
JN Horn, A Cravens, A Grossfield
Biophysical journal 105 (7), 1612-1623, 2013
Coarse-grained molecular dynamics provides insight into the interactions of lipids and cholesterol with rhodopsin
JN Horn, TC Kao, A Grossfield
G Protein-Coupled Receptors-Modeling and Simulation, 75-94, 2014
Characterization of Potent Antimicrobial Lipopeptide via All-Atom and Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics
JN Horn, J Sengillo, A Grossfield
Biophysical Journal 100 (3), 497a, 2011
Exploring Lipid-Peptide Interactions Through Computer Simulation of Antimicrobial Lipopeptides and a G Protein-Coupled Receptor
JN Horn
University of Rochester, 2013
Binding of antimicrobial lipopeptides to lipid bilayers characterized by microsecond molecular dynamics simulations
JN Horn, TD Romo, MC Pitman, A Grossfield
Biophysical Journal 98 (3), 81a, 2010
Investigation of the Mechanism of Antimicrobial Lipopeptides using Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations
D Lin, JN Horn, Z Xia, P Ren, A Grossfield
Biophysical Journal 104 (2), 602a, 2013
Comparision of Membrane Interactions of Acylated and Non-Acylated Lactoferricins by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
DA Greathouse, TD Romo, JN Horn, A Grossfield
Biophysical Journal 104 (2), 430a, 2013
Exploring Rhodopsin-Bilayer Interactions via Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation
JN Horn, TC Kao, A Grossfield
Biophysical Journal 104 (2), 430a, 2013
Exploring the Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Lipopeptides with Molecular Simulation
A Grossfield, JN Horn, TD Romo, D Lin, A Cravens
Biophysical Journal 104 (2), 9a-10a, 2013
Estimating the Free Energy to Bind a Potent Antimicrobial Lipopeptide to a Model Membrane Bilayer
D Lin, JN Horn, A Grossfield
Biophysical Journal 102 (3), 92a, 2012
Elucidating Antimicrobial Lipopeptide Action via Combined Coarse-Grained and All-Atom Molecular Dynamics
JN Horn, JD Sengillo, A Grossfield
Biophysical Journal 102 (3), 92a, 2012
Characterization of Membrane Interactions with Lactoferricin Peptides by Both All-Atom and Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Solid-State NMR, and Fluorescence …
TD Romo, J Horn, DV Greathouse, A Grossfield
Biophysical Journal 102 (3), 77a, 2012
92a Sunday, February 26, 2012
MM Bilayer, D Lin, JN Horn, A Grossfield
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Articles 1–15