Flavia Colonna
Cited by
Cited by
Shearlet-based total variation diffusion for denoising
GR Easley, D Labate, F Colonna
IEEE Transactions on Image processing 18 (2), 260-268, 2008
The Bloch constant of bounded harmonic mappings
F Colonna
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 829-840, 1989
Radon transform inversion using the shearlet representation
F Colonna, G Easley, K Guo, D Labate
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 29 (2), 232-250, 2010
Weighted composition operators on the Bloch space of a bounded homogeneous domain
JA Ball, V Bolotnikov, L Rodman, JW Helton, IM Spitkovsky, RF Allen, ...
Topics in Operator Theory: Volume 1: Operators, Matrices and Analytic …, 2010
Operator norms and essential norms of weighted composition operators between Banach spaces of analytic functions
F Colonna, M Tjani
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 434 (1), 93-124, 2016
New criteria for boundedness and compactness of weighted composition operators mapping into the Bloch space
F Colonna
Open Mathematics 11 (1), 55-73, 2013
Weighted composition operators from the minimal Möbius invariant space into the Bloch space
F Colonna, S Li
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 10 (1), 395-409, 2013
Multiplication operators on the Lipschitz space of a tree
F Colonna, GR Easley
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 68 (3), 391-411, 2010
Characterisation of the isometric composition operators on the Bloch space
F Colonna
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 72 (2), 283-290, 2005
Bloch and normal functions and their relation
F Colonna
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 38, 161-180, 1989
Isometries and spectra of multiplication operators on the Bloch space
RF Allen, F Colonna
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 79 (1), 147-160, 2009
On the isometric composition operators on the Bloch space in Cn
RF Allen, F Colonna
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 355 (2), 675-688, 2009
Composition operators on the Lipschitz space of a tree
RF Allen, F Colonna, GR Easley
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 11 (1), 97-108, 2014
Generalized discrete Radon transforms and their use in the ridgelet transform
F Colonna, G Easley
Journal of Mathematical imaging and vision 23, 145-165, 2005
Polyharmonic functions on trees
JM Cohen, F Colonna, K Gowrisankaran, D Singman
American journal of mathematics 124 (5), 999-1043, 2002
Embeddings of trees in the hyperbolic disk
JM Cohen, F Colonna
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 24 (3-4), 331-335, 1994
Multiplication operators on the weighted Lipschitz space of a tree
RF Allen, F Colonna, GR Easley
Journal of Operator Theory, 209-231, 2013
Weighted composition operators from the Besov spaces into the Bloch spaces
F Colonna, S Li
Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc 36 (4), 1027-1039, 2013
Multiplication operators on the iterated logarithmic Lipschitz spaces of a tree
RF Allen, F Colonna, GR Easley
Mediterranean journal of mathematics 9 (4), 575-600, 2012
Multiplication operators between the Lipschitz space and the space of bounded functions on a tree
F Colonna, G Easley
Mediterranean journal of mathematics 9, 423-438, 2012
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Articles 1–20