strategic leadership sydney finkelstein, donald hambrick, albert cannella | 8513* | 2009 |
Corporate governance: Decades of dialogue and data CM Daily, DR Dalton, AA Cannella Jr Academy of management review 28 (3), 371-382, 2003 | 3755 | 2003 |
Are family firms really superior performers? D Miller, I Le Breton-Miller, RH Lester, AA Cannella Jr Journal of corporate finance 13 (5), 829-858, 2007 | 1926 | 2007 |
Organizational predictors of women on corporate boards AJ Hillman, C Shropshire, AA Cannella Jr Academy of management journal 50 (4), 941-952, 2007 | 1763 | 2007 |
Social capital and knowledge creation: Diminishing returns of the number and strength of exchange relationships MA McFadyen, AA Cannella Jr Academy of management Journal 47 (5), 735-746, 2004 | 1558 | 2004 |
Women and racial minorities in the boardroom: How do directors differ? AJ Hillman, AA Cannella Jr, IC Harris Journal of management 28 (6), 747-763, 2002 | 1370 | 2002 |
Top management team functional background diversity and firm performance: Examining the roles of team member colocation and environmental uncertainty AA Cannella Jr, JH Park, HU Lee Academy of management Journal 51 (4), 768-784, 2008 | 1064 | 2008 |
Relative standing: A framework for understanding departures of acquired executives DC Hambrick, AA Cannella Jr Academy of Management journal 36 (4), 733-762, 1993 | 955 | 1993 |
Revisiting the performance consequences of CEO succession: The impacts of successor type, postsuccession senior executive turnover, and departing CEO tenure W Shen, AA Cannella Jr Academy of management journal 45 (4), 717-733, 2002 | 940 | 2002 |
Multilevel theory building: Benefits, barriers, and new developments KJ Klein, H Tosi, AA Cannella Jr Academy of Management review 24 (2), 248-253, 1999 | 810 | 1999 |
Executive compensation: A multidisciplinary review of recent developments CE Devers, AA Cannella Jr, GP Reilly, ME Yoder Journal of management 33 (6), 1016-1072, 2007 | 808 | 2007 |
Succession as a sociopolitical process: Internal impediments to outsider selection AA Cannella Jr, M Lubatkin Academy of management journal 36 (4), 763-793, 1993 | 788 | 1993 |
CEO duality: A review and research agenda R Krause, M Semadeni, AA Cannella Jr Journal of Management 40 (1), 256-286, 2014 | 787 | 2014 |
Effects of executive departures on the performance of acquired firms AA Cannella Jr, DC Hambrick Strategic Management Journal 14 (S1), 137-152, 1993 | 784 | 1993 |
Contrasting perspectives on strategic leaders: Toward a more realistic view of top managers AA Cannella Jr, MJ Monroe Journal of management 23 (3), 213-237, 1997 | 631 | 1997 |
Power dynamics within top management and their impacts on CEO dismissal followed by inside succession W Shen, AA Cannella Jr Academy of management Journal 45 (6), 1195-1206, 2002 | 610 | 2002 |
Former government officials as outside directors: The role of human and social capital RH Lester, A Hillman, A Zardkoohi, AA Cannella Jr Academy of Management Journal 51 (5), 999-1013, 2008 | 580 | 2008 |
Agency problems as antecedents to unrelated mergers and diversification: Amihud and Lev reconsidered PJ Lane, AA Cannella Jr, MH Lubatkin Strategic Management Journal 19 (6), 555-578, 1998 | 554 | 1998 |
So close and yet so far: Promotion versus exit for CEO heirs apparent AA Cannella Jr, W Shen Academy of Management journal 44 (2), 252-270, 2001 | 539 | 2001 |
Strategy implementation as substance and selling DC Hambrick, AA Cannella Jr Academy of management perspectives 3 (4), 278-285, 1989 | 489 | 1989 |