Daniel B. Turban
Daniel B. Turban
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Corporate social performance and organizational attractiveness to prospective employees
DB Turban, DW Greening
Academy of management journal 40 (3), 658-672, 1997
Corporate social performance as a competitive advantage in attracting a quality workforce
DW Greening, DB Turban
Business & society 39 (3), 254-280, 2000
The role of gender stereotypes in perceptions of entrepreneurs and intentions to become an entrepreneur
VK Gupta, DB Turban, SA Wasti, A Sikdar
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 33 (2), 397-417, 2009
Role of protégé personality in receipt of mentoring and career success
DB Turban, TW Dougherty
Academy of Management journal 37 (3), 688-702, 1994
The value of organizational reputation in the recruitment context: A brand‐equity perspective
DM Cable, DB Turban
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 33 (11), 2244-2266, 2003
Firm reputation and applicant pool characteristics
DB Turban, DM Cable
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2003
Establishing the dimensions, sources and value of job seekers' employer knowledge during recruitment
DM Cable, DB Turban
Research in personnel and human resources management, 115-163, 2001
Organizational attractiveness: An interactionist perspective.
DB Turban, TL Keon
Journal of applied psychology 78 (2), 184, 1993
Who is a mentor? A review of evolving definitions and implications for research
DL Haggard, TW Dougherty, DB Turban, JE Wilbanks
Journal of management 37 (1), 280-304, 2011
Supervisor-subordinate similarity: types, effects, and mechanisms.
DB Turban, AP Jones
Journal of applied psychology 73 (2), 228, 1988
Applicant attraction to firms: Influences of organization reputation, job and organizational attributes, and recruiter behaviors
DB Turban, ML Forret, CL Hendrickson
Journal of vocational behavior 52 (1), 24-44, 1998
Organizational attractiveness as an employer on college campuses: An examination of the applicant population
DB Turban
Journal of vocational behavior 58 (2), 293-312, 2001
The effect of gender stereotype activation on entrepreneurial intentions.
VK Gupta, DB Turban, NM Bhawe
Journal of applied psychology 93 (5), 1053, 2008
Personality and the goal-striving process: the influence of achievement goal patterns, goal level, and mental focus on performance and enjoyment.
FK Lee, KM Sheldon, DB Turban
Journal of applied psychology 88 (2), 256, 2003
Human resource practices and firm performance of multinational corporations: Influences of country origin
HY Ngo, D Turban, CM Lau, SY Lui
International journal of human resource management 9 (4), 632-652, 1998
Disentangling role perceptions: how perceived role breadth, discretion, instrumentality, and efficacy relate to helping and taking charge.
DJ McAllister, D Kamdar, EW Morrison, DB Turban
Journal of Applied Psychology 92 (5), 1200, 2007
Applying self-determination theory to organizational research
KM Sheldon, DB Turban, KG Brown, MR Barrick, TA Judge
Research in personnel and human resources management, 357-393, 2003
Confirming first impressions in the employment interview: A field study of interviewer behavior.
TW Dougherty, DB Turban, JC Callender
Journal of applied psychology 79 (5), 659, 1994
Gender, race, and perceived similarity effects in developmental relationships: The moderating role of relationship duration
DB Turban, TW Dougherty, FK Lee
Journal of vocational behavior 61 (2), 240-262, 2002
" All in a day's work": how follower individual differences and justice perceptions predict OCB role definitions and behavior.
D Kamdar, DJ McAllister, DB Turban
Journal of applied psychology 91 (4), 841, 2006
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