Annika Karinen
Annika Karinen
Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam
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‘Standing in awe’: The effects of awe on body perception and the relation with absorption
M van Elk, A Karinen, E Specker, E Stamkou, M Baas
Collabra 2 (1), 4, 2016
Why do people vary in disgust?
JM Tybur, Ç Çınar, AK Karinen, P Perone
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 …, 2018
Disgust sensitivity and opposition to immigration: Does contact avoidance or resistance to foreign norms explain the relationship?
AK Karinen, C Molho, TR Kupfer, JM Tybur
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 84, 103817, 2019
The multidimensional nature of food neophobia
Ç Çınar, AK Karinen, JM Tybur
Appetite 162, 105177, 2021
Relations between HEXACO personality and ideology variables are mostly genetic in nature
RE de Vries, LW Wesseldijk, AK Karinen, P Jern, JM Tybur
European Journal of Personality 36 (2), 200-217, 2022
Cognitive and personality correlates of trait disgust and their relationship to condemnation of nonpurity moral transgressions.
AK Karinen, HA Chapman
Emotion 19 (5), 889, 2019
Measurement and theory in disgust sensitivity
JM Tybur, AK Karinen
The SAGE handbook of personality and individual differences: Applications of …, 2018
Sex differences in the genetic and environmental underpinnings of meat and plant preferences
Ç Çınar, LW Wesseldijk, AK Karinen, P Jern, JM Tybur
Food Quality and Preference 98, 104421, 2022
An orderly personality partially explains the link between trait disgust and political conservatism
X Xu, AK Karinen, HA Chapman, JB Peterson, JE Plaks
Cognition and Emotion, 2020
The disgust traits: Self–other agreement in pathogen, sexual, and moral disgust sensitivity and their independence from HEXACO personality.
AK Karinen, JM Tybur, RE de Vries
Emotion 23 (1), 75, 2023
Sex, drugs, and genes: Illuminating the moral condemnation of recreational drugs
AK Karinen, LW Wesseldijk, P Jern, JM Tybur
Psychological science 32 (10), 1582-1591, 2021
Standing in awe': The effects of awe on body perception and the relation with absorption. Collabra, 2 (1), 1-16
M Van Elk, A Karinen, E Specker, E Stamkou, M Baas
Bridging passion and profession: Supporting agency and investment in multilingual university writers
M Harrison, M Uusipaikka, A Karinen, T Räsänen, D Raitala, R Ellonen, ...
Language Learning in Higher Education 3 (1), 1-25, 2013
This is an electronic reprint of the original article. This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic detail.
P Slotte, H Årsheim
Journal of Law and Religion 4, 171-198, 2015
Who likes the grotesque? Mapping individual differences in liking of grotesque artworks.
AK Karinen, Ç Çınar, JM Tybur, RE de Vries
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2023
The Disgust Trait: Self-Other Agreement in Disgust Sensitivity and Its Independent from HEXACO Personality
AK Karinen, JM Tybur, R de Vries
PsyArXiv., 2019
The social, political, and aesthetic implications of disgust
AK Karinen
An orderly personality partially explains the link between trait disgust and political conservatism
HA Chapman, X Xu, AK Karinen, JB Peterson
figshare Academic Research System, 2019
Neophobia towards different types of food: Sex differences and disgust across meats and plants.: Poster session presented at the Consortium of European Research on Emotion (CERE)
C Cinar, JM Tybur, AK Karinen
Consortium of European Research on Emotion, 2018
Multidimensionality of food neophobia: Variation across meats and plants.: Poster session presented at the 30th Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES) Conference
C Cinar, JM Tybur, AK Karinen
Human Behavior and Evolution Society 30th Annual Meeting, 2018
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Articles 1–20